Everquest Leveling Archives - Everquest Progression Server Leveling https://www.everquestguides.com/category/everquest-leveling/ Everquest Progression Server Leveling Guides Sun, 06 Oct 2024 19:28:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.everquestguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-R.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Everquest Leveling Archives - Everquest Progression Server Leveling https://www.everquestguides.com/category/everquest-leveling/ 32 32 214937748 Everquest Luclin Hunting/Grinding Guide https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-luclin-hunting-grinding-guide/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-luclin-hunting-grinding-guide/#respond Sun, 06 Oct 2024 19:28:28 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2441 The Shadows of Luclin expansion, originally released on December 4th, 2001, elevates the level cap from 60 to 65 and introduces a diverse array of new zones and content to the game....

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The Shadows of Luclin expansion, originally released on December 4th, 2001, elevates the level cap from 60 to 65 and introduces a diverse array of new zones and content to the game. Highlights of this expansion include the addition of the Vah Shir as a playable race, the introduction of the Beastlord class, and the implementation of the AA (Alternate Advancement) system, which allows for greater character customization and progression. With a unique mix of challenging dungeons, open-world grind spots, and lucrative raid encounters, Shadows of Luclin offers a plethora of new opportunities to gain experience and gear up your character.

This hunting guide was compiled and designed on a Time Locked Progression Server. Although some of the areas may be similar or the same on Live or P99, it’s intended use is for progression servers where the data has been collected from.

Legend for Table:

  • L – lowest level mob at location
  • H – highest level mob at location (does not include rares or named)
  • Popularity – all of the spots in the table can be good spots, think of popularity as the chance someone is doing this camp on a Fresh Kunark TLP with 10 being almost always and 0 being almost never.
  • Camp Size – the number of mobs in the immediate camp area
  • Respawn Time – respawn time is how fast the mobs respawn after killing

Please do leave comments or feedback if you find any errors or have any other camp suggestions so that I can keep this up to date for the Kunark Era.

LevelsZoneDescriptionCamp SizeRespawn TimePopularity
15CrushboneEntrance Area6-10~8 minutes1
14Field of BoneBonecrawlers, Underground cave central west15+~6 minutes1
28The WarrensKobalds by Paineel Entrance area NE Corner15+~5 minutes1
410BefallenFront Entrance and first level 4 doors, power level friendly15+~8 minutes2
412BlackburrowWestern Side, jump down ramp head through doors15+~8 minutes1
511South KaranaUndead Ruins in North11-15~3 minutes1
512The WarrensKobalds Southern side of Paineel Area15+~5 minutes1
510Paludal CavernsSouthern Lake by Shadeweavers15+~4 minutes2
69Lesser FaydarkSmall Orc Camp SE Quadrant1-5~5 minutes1
610Greater FaydarkOrc Camps in North and Outside Crushbone15+~5 minutes1
711Steamfont MountainsMinotaur Caves in North East11-15~5 minutes1
712CrushboneWest Side of map Slaver Caves/Scoutsman/Prophet6-10~8 minutes1
715Field of BoneCenter Pit Area through zone middle, scorpions etc15+~6 minutes1
79Shadeweavers ThicketCentral Brigand Camp (-900, -200)6-10~2.5 minutes2
89CommonlandsWestern Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes1
811West KaranaTwo Bandit camps near each other 4/3,-7000,+5006-10~5 minutes1
812CommonlandsCenter Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes1
812Misty ThicketWest End, Orcs, Goblins, Shadowed Assassin Camps15+~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestNorthwestern most orc camp11-15~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestSouthwestern most orc camp1-5~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestEastern most orc camp6-10~ 5 minutes1
813CommonlandsEastern Orc Camp along North Wall6-10~2.5 minutes1
813Erud's CrossingSpiders, Bats, Randoms on Center of Island11-15~3.5 minutes1
813Steamfont MountainsSpiders, Rats, and Harpies in North East15+~5 minutes1
814NajenaEntrance tunnels, skeletons etc15+~8 minutes1
818The WarrensKobalds/bats in Central Area15+~5 minutes1
813Shadeweavers Thicketgor taku workers two northern caves15+~10 minutes2
911Lake RathetearBandit camps, two nearby11-15~5 minutes1
911LavastormGoblin Camp outside Sol A Cave6-10~8.5 minutes1
911Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Outter Rim15+~16 minutes1
911South KaranaRaider camp in North6-10~3 minutes1
912North KaranaRaider Camp Southeast on River6-10~3 minutes1
912Ocean of TearsTwo Small Islands with Sirens/Goblins East of Aviak15+~16 minutes1
915LavastormDrakes, Lavaspinners, Imps, north of druid ruins15+~8.5 minutes1
1013Eastern KaranaCarrion Spider/Chasm Crawlers in field15+~5 minutes4
1014CommonlandsBandits/Derv Camps near each other, 6 mobs each camp11-15~4.5 minutes1
1015North RoUndead Ruins6-10~30 seconds3
1017UnrestCourtyard Area15+~5 minutes5
1016Kurns TowerFirst floor of skeletons15+~14.5 minutes3
1016Lake of Ill OmenField Killing North of Lake15+~13.5 minutes1
1115Upper GukHeart Spiders6-10~13.5 minutes1
1117Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west tunnel, entrance area15+~14.5 minutes1
1119South RoCrocs/Caiamans @ docks15+~ 2-3 minutes1
1215South RoOrc Camps, random level 20 orc warrior roams15+~ 5 minutes1
1217Rathe MountainsOrcs/Lizardmen/Basilisks15+~5 minutes1
1218BefallenJump in the pit 2nd door on right, and go through fake wall15+~ 8 minutes4
1218CrushboneCastle Area with Emperor Crush6-10~8 minutes1
1224The WarrensWestern Side toward Stonebrunt Entrance Kobalds/Bats15+~5 minutes1
1217Field of BoneCenter East Field, Iksar,Scaled Wolves, Etc15+~6 minutes1
1215Swamp of No HopeUndead Ruins in North Central (1400,700)6-10~10 minutes1
1217Paludal CavernsMid to North Phlarg in Tunnels15+~4 minutes7
1317North KaranaSmall undead area southeast zone1-5~11 minutes3
1317Stonebrunt MountainsSouth Southwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
1318Highpass HoldOrcs at southern entrance6-10~13.5 minutes1
1322Warsliks WoodsGoblin Fort North Central (3000,400)15+~11.5 minutes1
1316Timorous DeepUndead Iksar Northcentral (5700,-1300)11-15~10.5 minutes1
1416Lake RathetearGnolls with a named spawn6-10~2.5 minutes2
1418Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Middle Circular Layer15+~16 minutes1
1419Highpass HoldSmugglers jump off bridge and use under water tunnel11-15~13.5 minutes1
1420Ocean of TearsGoblin Island in South East15+~16 minutes1
1419Field of BoneIksar Manslayers, Northwest underground cave by shore11-15~10 minutes1
1419Kurns TowerBottom Floor with moles/skeletons15+~14.5 minutes3
1423Swamp of No HopeFroglok City(SE Part of Zone), Ramp is on East Side15+~10 minutes1
1419The OverthereField Killing, Pull to NorthEast Wall area15+~5 minutes1
1418Lake of Ill OmenNorth of Windmill (field killing)15+~13.5 minutes1
1422Shadeweavers Thicketgor taku workers two middle caves15+~10 minutes2
1420Shadeweavers ThicketNorth west soldier camp (1100,1800)6-10~6 minutes2
1420Shadeweavers ThicketSouthwesternish Guardian Camp (-1000,1600)6-10~6 minutes2
1519Upper GukSouth of Priest area basic frogloks11-15~13.5 minutes2
1520Paludal CavernsSouthern Bandit Camp11-15~4 minutes7
1520Paludal CavernsNorth Bandit camp15+~4 minutes7
1518Paludal CavernsNorth Tunnels Shiknar15+~4 minutes7
1525Shadeweavers Thicketgor taku workers two southern caves15+~10 minutes2
1522Shadeweavers ThicketSouthwest corner field and Sarueks11-15~6 minutes2
1620Upper GukFroglok Scryer area6-10~13.5 minutes2
1622Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west, the Northwestern sector in more15+~14.5 minutes1
1625Permafrost KeepIce Goblins, slow respawn15+~16 minutes1
1625Unrest1st Floor Center of Castle15+~16 minutes5
1624Netherbian LairFungoid Sporelings West Side of main Tunnel15+~11 minutes1
1628Hollowshade MoorGrimling Camps in Southeast15+~5 minutes2
1722Stonebrunt MountainsSouthwest Kobold Camp15+~5 minutes1
1723South KaranaCentaur Village North East11-15~5 minutes1
1724Runnyeye CitadelGoblins/Sporali, lots of roamers15+~13.5 minutes1
1725Upper GukFroglok Priest and area north15+~13.5 minutes2
1727Stonebrunt MountainsKejekan Village, North Central Map, Some 32s15+~13 minutes1
1721Lake of Ill OmenExplorer Camp (1750,220)6-10~13.5 minutes1
1722Lake of Ill OmenGoblins East of Lake15+~13.5 minutes1
1721Timorous DeepFallen Deckhands (-4000,-4500)15+~10.5 minutes1
1820Eastern KaranaCraig Spiders in field15+~5 minutes4
1820Ocean of TearsSkeleton Island, 0, -550015+~16 minutes3
1821Stonebrunt MountainsEast Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
1827Warsliks WoodsGiant Fort South Central (-500,1300)11-15~11.5 minutes1
1923Castle MistmooreEntrance and tunnels up to Graveyard11-15~20.5 minutes5
1924Sol ABridge up to room in North to Predator/Foreman15+~16.5 minutes5
1925West KaranaOgre Camp in middle of zone, Chief is level 346-10~14 minutes1
1929Upper GukFroglok Shinlord/Necromancer camp11-15~13.5 minutes4
1932The FeerrottMini Lizard Temples, high mob is 32 15+~10 minutes1
1921Timorous DeepFallen Deckhands Northwest (7500,2800)15+~10.5 minutes1
1924Netherbian LairTroggs and Netherbians East Side of main Tunnel15+~11 minutes1
2026Ocean of TearsGoblin Island West of Port In, 2500,-550015+~16 minutes1
2029Highpass HoldsGuards at south or north side6-10~13.5 minutes2
2026Lake of Ill OmenNorth Goblin Cavens15+~13.5 minutes1
2028Marus SeruStone Grabbers Center of Map15+~14.5 minutes1
2024Marus SeruGrey Hoppers Center of Map15+~14.5 minutes1
2029Twilight SeaCenter Elemental Island15+~16 minutes2
2030Twilight SeaNorthwest Trog Island15+~16 minutes2
2123Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Center of Island15+~16 minutes1
2124Everfrost PeaksGiant Wooly Spiders6-10~11 minutes4
2125Lake of Ill OmenSarnak Castle Entrance area15+~13.5 minutes1
2125Lake of Ill OmenInside Castle Chancellor Room / Tunnels 15+~13.5 minutes1
2125Marus SeruSouthwest and Midwest Recuso Camp (29 roamer)1-5~14.5 minutes1
2125Echo CavenersFungus Grove Side South Tunnel Tunnel Mutants11-15~15.5 minutes2
2224LavastormTwo fire goblin camps near each other south side of lava11-15~8.5 minutes1
2224Stonebrunt MountainsNorth Northeast Kobold Camp (high level wanders near)6-10~5 minutes1
2229Upper GukNokta Shaman area and east15+~13.5 minutes4
2233High KeepGuards through zone if you don't care about faction15+~20 minutes1
2233High KeepGoblins in basement, top level 22-25, bottom up to 3315+~10 minutes3
2226Lake of Ill OmenUndead Ruins SE (-3200,-1600)1-5~13.5 minutes1
2224Shadeweavers ThicketNorth Corpse camp6-10~6 minutes2
2225Echo CavernsFungus Grove Side First North Tunnel Needlites6-10~15.5 minutes2
2327Sol AInferno Goblin Captain in very north and area15+~16.5 minutes6
2325Swamp of No HopeUndead Ruins in South Central (-2400,650)1-5~10 minutes1
2426Lavastorm2 small camps of shadowmen near each other6-10~8.5 minutes1
2426Lesser FaydarkFaerie Guards1-5~14.5 minutes1
2428Sol ABartender Room and surrounding to south and then east15+~16.5 minutes6
2433Firionia VieArchnics / Field outside of tunnel from Dreadlands15+~6 minutes1
2436Frontier MountainsMole Cave NE of Giant Fort15+~10 minutes1
2431Tower of Frozen Shadow1st Floor15+~15.5 minutes3
2428Hollowshade MoorOwlbear Cave Northwest15+~5 minutes4
2433Echo CavenersFungus Grove Side Last South/North Tunnels Boglings15+~15.5 minutes2
2526Lesser FaydarkSmall Shadowed Men Camp, South East1-5~5 minutes1
2528South KaranaGnolls outside Splitpaw, 39 named can spawn15+~5 minutes1
2528Stonebrunt MountainsNorthwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
2530UnrestFireplace up Stairs15+~16 minutes5
2531LavastormBasilisks, Drakes, Etc north western area by tunnels11-15~8.5 minutes1
2535UnrestBasement Area through hidden door15+~16 minutes3
2529Crypt of DalnirFirst Floor 15+~11 minutes1
2529Crypt of DalnirSecond Floor15+~11 minutes1
2533Crypt of DalnirThird Floor15+~11 minutes1
2535Timorous DeepGolra Island Southeast (-9000,-5500)11-15~10.5 minutes1
2531The Great DivideMinotaur Caves Northwest15+~5 minutes1
2531Crystal CavernsOrcs Near Entrance / Beginning Tunnels15+~12 minutes1
2535Iceclad OceanGnolls Southeast of Middle Island15+~15 minutes1
2530Everfrost PeaksIcy Orc Camp Center / East in Zone1-5~17 minutes1
2536Grimling ForestSouthern Camps near Wall15+~12 minutes3
2528Hollowshade MoorSonic wolf cave middle east15+~5 minutes2
2531Dawnshroud PeaksSoutheastern Tribal Camp15+~15 minutes5
2631Sol AGoblin high Shaman very south and prison area6-10~16.5 minutes5
2633Castle MistmooreGraveyard + fake wall theres a level 40 in bottom room11-15~20.5 minutes5
2630Field of BoneSkeletons Underwater Tunnel North East11-15~10 minutes1
2635Frontier MountainsGiant Fort in Center15+~10 minutes2
2637The OverthereSarnak Buildings South of Pit (1500,600)11-15~5 minutes1
2633Grimling ForestTwo Camps middle east15+~12 minutes3
2628Dawnshroud PeaksShroom Building Corner Near Lake6-10~9.5 minutes2
2632Dawnshroud PeaksField Trash through center of zone15+~9.5 minutes2
2730Sol AKing Room in southwest6-10~16.5 minutes4
2734Lower GukBedroom with Frogloks,skeletons,bats,spiders15+~26 minutes4
2731Firionia ViePilgrims Northeast of FV, Set near shoreline15+~6 minutes1
2731Eastern WastesOrc Mini Camp North of Bridge (-3250,-4500)1-5~21.5 minutes1
2733Iceclad OceanSouthwest Island (field killing)15+~15 minutes1
2731Iceclad OceanMiddle Island Outside TOFS Field Killing15+~15 minutes1
2733Tower of Frozen Shadow2nd Floor15+~15.5 minutes3
2737Tower of Frozen Shadow6th Floor15+~15.5 minutes3
2832Sol ACaptain Bigpnubble Gnome area in far east area15+~16.5 minutes3
2832Sol ALava elemental gnome area North east15+~16.5 minutes3
2833Firionia VieDrolvarg Building, (-300,-1000)6-10~6 minutes1
2840Trakanon's TeethCenter between 3 undead camps and roamers (3250,750)15+~27 minutes1
2835Crystal CavernsTerror Caves15+~12 minutes1
2934Castle MistmooreCastle Entrance and surrounding11-15~20.5 minutes5
2939Castle MistmooreInside Castle Room for more than one regular group15+~20.5 minutes5
2935Firionia VieFrogloks / Field Against North Wall of pit in center of zone15+~6 minutes1
2934Frontier MountainsSarnak Mini Camp West of Giant Fort1-5~10 minutes1
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to Skyfire Ramp15+~5 minutes1
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to South Wall near passage to FM15+~5 minutes1
2935KaesoraEast Side by Librarian15+~16.5 minutes1
2934Emerald JungleNorthwest Wall (field killing)15+~10.5 minutes1
3042Lower GukCrusader area15+~26 minutes5
3036The Great DivideKodiac Cave Southwest (Outside Velks)15+~5 minutes1
3035Eastern WastesDwarves Center Area (-2600,-400)6-10~21.5 minutes1
3037Crystal CavenersSpider Area (South east)6-10~12 minutes1
3038Tenebrous MountainsSouthwest Grimling Caves15+~9.5 minutes2
3041Grimling ForestCenter Camps and North15+~12 minutes3
3034Jaggedpine ForestBasilisk Cave (SW Corner BB Entrance)15+~5 minutes2
3135DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave Southwest (-2400,3400)6-10~16 minutes1
3140Frontier MountainsWest Goblin Cave15+~10 minutes1
3140KaesoraWest Side by Xalgoz15+~16.5 minutes1
3134Emerald JungleSmall iksar Camp in North (4200,-1400)6-10~10.5 minutes1
3140Eastern WastesWalrus Field Killing Southwest Corner15+~21.5 minutes1
3145Eastern WastesCenter Orc Camp Chief Ry'gorr Level 4515+~21.5 minutes1
3136Kael DrakkelGiants at Entrance to the South East Wing15+~20 minutes1
3137Tower of Frozen Shadow3rd Floor15+~15.5 minutes3
3140Twilight SeaUnderwater Cave in North to Grol Camp15+~16 minutes2
3236Rathe MountainsHill Giants / Cyclops NE area6-10~3-7 minutes7
3241DreadlandsForest Giant Castle (-500,2000) 6-10~16 minutes1
3234DreadlandsTundra Yet Cave NW (2000,5000)6-10~16 minutes1
3238The OverthereScorpions in Pit / In Buildings off of Pit15+~5 minutes2
3240Eastern WastesDwarf Missionary Area South (-7750,-2200)6-10~21.5 minutes1
3237Tower of Frozen Shadow4th Floor15+~15.5 minutes3
3335Sol BPool Room to North no named11-15~19 minutes2
3336South RoDeepwater Goblins6-10~4 minutes1
3337South RoSpectres6-10~13.5 minutes1
3338Sol BNoble Camp from entrance or off to left6-10~19 minutes3
3340DreadlandsSkeletons East Side6-10~16 minutes1
3340DreadlandsPull to North or South Castle Walls15+~16 minutes1
3340Burning WoodsSarnark Fort NE Corner15+~5 minutes1
3344City of MistEntrance/Bridge11-15~16 minutes2
3349City of MistStables (-230,-500)15+~16 minutes2
3340Trakanon's TeethIksar Camp (-2500,-4000)6-10~27 minutes1
3340The Great DivideShardwurm Caves Center of Zone15+~5 minutes1
3335Wakening LandsHolgren Caves (-3400,2100)11-15~12 minutes1
3337The FeerrottSpectres in Cave Southwest1-5~10 minutes1
3343Mons LetalisSpire Square (Lord is 49)15+~4.5 minutes1
3341Mons LetalisSouthern Tunnels Thought Leaches (South Room 47-49)11-15~10 minutes1
3340The Scarlet DesertSoutheast corner Grols and vas ren15+~21 minutes2
3343Grimling ForestNortheast Camp15+~12 minutes3
3437Ocean of TearsSpectres in middle of Skeleton Island6-10~16 minutes1
3438Lower GukAssassin/executioner Area15+~26 minutes5
3442Sol BKobalt King/Priest/Champion rooms6-10~19 minutes5
3443Lower GukFrenzy/Sentinel Area15+~26 minutes4
3439Firionia VieForest Giant Arbor Mini Camp North East1-5~6 minutes1
3442Burning WoodsVarious Mobs NE Crater15+~5 minutes1
3442Trakanon's TeethSouthwest Undead Ruins (-2750,2000)15+~27 minutes1
3440Tower of Frozen Shadow7th Floor15+~15.5 minutes3
3442Mons LetalisField Rockhoppers/StoneGrabber15+~10 minutes2
3438Echo CavernsEnd of Tunnels in The Deep Side Fireclaw/Trillcor11-15~15.5 minutes2
3542Burning WoodsGiant Fort in Northwest6-10~5 minutes2
3543Burning WoodsSkeleton Ruins Southwestish (-1400,2250)6-10~5 minutes1
3541Burning WoodsVarious Mobs SE Corner by FM Cave15+~5 minutes1
3540Lake of Ill OmenUnderwater Goblins, Center of Lake15+~11 minutes1
3540Emerald JungleSoutheast Runes (can pull to wall)15+~10.5 minutes1
3540Emerald JungleOld Walkway in Southern area field killing (-600,800)15+~10.5 minutes1
3541Timorous DeepSpiriac Fort NW (5700,1000)15+~10.5 minutes1
3543The Great DivideFrost Giant Fort East (-2600,-2600)11-15~6.5 minutes1
3539Eastern WastesNorthern Section (250,0) (Ogres, Orcs, Frost Giants)6-10~21.5 minutes1
3537Wakening LandsFairies North Center (1750,-100)11-15~12 minutes1
3649Lower GukHerbalist/King Area15+~26 minutes5
3640DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave West Center (-250,3200)6-10~16 minutes1
3649City of MistTemple (150,-600)15+~16 minutes2
3649City of MistCenter Coutyard South Wall (-240,-265)15+~16 minutes2
3640Tower of Frozen Shadow5th Floor15+~15.5 minutes3
3645Wakening LandsFrost Giants (east wall by Kael and camps)15+~12 minutes1
3641The Scarlet DesertSouthwest Bloodtribe Caves6-10~21 minutes2
3640The Scarlet DesertNortheast Grol Cave6-10~21 minutes2
3644Tenebrous MountainsNorth Coterie Camps6-10~9.5 minutes2
3740DreadlandsArachnid Camp North east6-10~16 minutes1
3747Burning WoodsVarious Mobs West Crater15+~5 minutes1
3743Eastern WastesFrost Giant Fort (-1750,3000)6-10~21.5 minutes1
3740The Scarlet DesertSouthwest Sun Revenant Camp (-1600, 900)6-10~21 minutes2
3745Grimling ForestTunnels and outside platforms Northwest 15+~12 minutes7
3743Dawnshroud PeaksRockhopper/Tribal Caves Northeast15+~9.5 minutes8
3841The HoleEntrance out to bridge room11-15~17 minutes2
3842Ocean of TearsCyclops Island, 2000, -400015+~16 minutes6
3842The HoleRats in Cellars (named are higher level)11-15~17 minutes2
3844Sol BBats, Beetles, and Spiders in the caves to south11-15~19 minutes2
3852City of MistOutside of Castle (setup to pull to -235,35)15+~16 minutes2
3843Mines of NurgaEntrance/Southeast Area15+~16 minutes1
3840The Scarlet DesertSouth Central Grol Camp (-1800, 100)6-10~21 minutes2
3947Lower GukArch Mage/Ghould Lord area11-15~26 minutes3
3952City of MistInside Black Reaver Area and Castle (need key)15+~16 minutes2
3942Cobalt ScarWyverns Along Edges (can be quad kited by druids)15+~16 minutes1
3947Wakening LandsGeonid Cave (-3000,-1400)15+~12 minutes1
3950Tenebrous MountainsNE Corner Castle 11-15~9.5 minutes3
3941Fungus GroveTarmok Tribe, Lower section both SE and NE Corner15+~11 minutes7
4044Karnor's CastleCaptain Camp (first area coming in and up)15+~21.5 minutes1
4045Karnor's CastleSouthroom (-20,-250)15+~21.5 minutes1
4045Karnor's CastleNorthroom (50,-250)15+~21.5 minutes1
4044The Scarlet DesertNorth Bloodtribe Caves6-10~21 minutes2
4045The Scarlet DesertNortheast Trojeg Warshipper Camp (750, -400)6-10~21 minutes2
4053Fungus GroveMutant Dregs, West side of lake (200, 1000)6-10~11 minutes7
4045Jaggedpine ForestNorth Gnoll Caves (40 plus mobs)15+~9.5 minutes2
4151Old SebilisBartender/Chef West Wing Area15+~21.5 minutes5
4150Old SebilisMobs near entrance15+~21.5 minutes1
4143Timorous DeepSouthwest Raptor Island (-8000,3000)15+~10.5 minutes1
4248Ocean of TearsElite Goblin Island, South Center part of zone15+~10 minutes4
4250Sol BEfreeti Lord Camp and guardians to west6-10~19 minutes4
4250Howling StonesNorth Wing (The Crypt Keeper)15+~15 minutes2
4245Howling StonesBasement (Drop off the side)15+~15 minutes2
4249Old SebilisDisco 1/2, East Area15+~21.5 minutes5
4250Karnor's CastleWarlord/Hand, Far East into castle15+~21.5 minutes1
4250Karnor's CastleJailer/Cells center basement of castle15+~21.5 minutes1
4247Cobalt ScarOthmir Camps on the beach6-10~16 minutes1
4246Wakening LandsSuits of Sentient Armor 2x Camps (1750,-2250)6-10~12 minutes1
4252Fungus GroveNorthern Sector Underground Shiknar Cave (2200,1350)15+~11 minutes7
4249Jaggedpine ForestPotameid (water tunnels east side)15+~12 minutes2
4353ChardokFort Entrance15+~16 minutes2
4349Howling StonesWest Wing(Skeletal Procurator)15+~15 minutes2
4350Kael DrakkelGiants on North End but around the outside15+~20 minutes2
4348The GreyRevenants and Slave buildings near SSRA (Center)15+~14.5 minutes2
4348The GreyIksar Slaves NE Corner15+~14.5 minutes2
4345The Scarlet DesertNortheast Sun Revenant (Plateau, 800, -1100)11-15~21 minutes2
4346Acrylia CavernsAll tunnels and areas up to castle15+~22.5 minutes8
4551The HoleThe Docks and outward15+~17 minutes2
4551The HoleSword 1/Pond Area15+~17 minutes2
4547Velketor's LabyrinthEntrance and Spirals up15+~16 minutes4
4652Howling StonesSouth Wing (The Specter Spiritualist)15+~15 minutes2
4648Mines of NurgaNortheast / Eastern Half (Taskmaster etc)15+~16 minutes1
4658Dragon NecropolisChetari (Rat Caves)15+~12 minutes2
4651Velketor's LabyrinthKobalds East Side15+~16 minutes4
4656Maidens EyeNorthwest Goranga Camp15+~20.5 minutes9
4752ChardokCaves/Slave Area15+~16 minutes5
4751Mines of NurgaWestern Half (Overseer/Spirit Chanter etc)15+~16 minutes2
4750Dragon NecropolisPhase Spiders Scattered15+~12 minutes4
4751The DeepEast Side of Bridge15+~11 minutes10
4749Fungus GroveAbout 10 Mushroom Camps in Zone 6-10 mobs per15+~11 minutes7
4750Fungus GroveChakta Fungus Beasts SW Corner of Norther Sector15+~11 minutes7
4756Maidens EyeBats, Umbrous, etc center to southwest field15+~20.5 minutes8
4753Akheva RuinsRoom East of The Va'Dyn (careful if boss is up)15+~16 minutes5
4757Akheva RuinsShar Vinitras Area (if boss isn't up)15+~16 minutes5
4854Old SebilisKing, South Center Area15+~21.5 minutes5
4849Timorous DeepGunthak Swabby's (2500,-700)6-10~10.5 minutes3
4849Timorous DeepGunthak Swabby's Northeast (6000,-3800)15+~10.5 minutes3
4853Siren's GrottoSirens in Eastern Area15+~22.5 minutes3
4852The GreyUndying Iksar (SW Corner) Tons15+~14.5 minutes4
4955Akheva RuinsInsanity Crawler Area (SouthEast)15+~16 minutes5
5054Howling StonesEast Wing (Drusella Sathir))15+~15 minutes3
5058Kael DrakkelGiants on North End on the Inside Areas15+~20 minutes6
5052Western WastesWyvern Caves Northeast Corner (2500,-3000)15+~30 minutes4
5050Western WastesPirates Nothrwest Area (4500,1800) watch faction6-10~30 minutes4
5054The DeepWest Side of Bridge15+~11 minutes10
5058Maidens EyeXin Thall Camp North Center15+~20.5 minutes8
5158ChardokVault Area15+~16 minutes6
5157ChardokBridgkeeper Area15+~16 minutes6
5155ChardokGravemaster Area15+~16 minutes6
5157Siren's GrottoWalrus/Manatees North Area15+~22.5 minutes4
5155Ssraeshza TempleBasement15+~16 minutes9
5155Acrylia CavernsCastle 15+~22.5 minutes8
5255ChardokHerblist Area15+~16 minutes6
5256Velketor's LabyrinthGargoyle/Sentinels15+~16 minutes6
5358ChardokKorocust area15+~16 minutes6
5355Grieg's EndWestern Camps15+~21 minutes10
5355Grieg's EndEastern Camps15+~21 minutes10
5360Umbral PlainsRadir Fireshower Cave (East Cave)15+~24 minutes7
5360Umbral PlainsTawro Icequak Cave (North Cave)15+~24 minutes7
5357Umbral PlainsDisturbed Elysian Remains (East Hill, 0, -1250)11-15~24 minutes7
5457Umbral PlainsGantru Dralkenr / gantrus near entrance15+~24 minutes9
5560The HoleUndead Towers15+~17 minutes9
5555Swamp of No HopeBlack Ravengers by Trakanons Teeth Zone Line11-15n/a4
5557ChardokKennels 15+~16 minutes6
5560Old SebilisJuggernauts, very southeast near Trak15+~21.5 minutes8
5555The Great DivideTower Guards (-1200, 200) Up to 4 watch for level 651-5~6.5 minutes4
5558Siren's GrottoSirens in the Water in North15+~22.5 minutes6
5555The GreySun Revenants NW Corner6-10~14.5 minutes6
5560Umbral PlainsDark Assassins around Doomshade (-300, 200)15+~24 minutes9
5658Grieg's EndCentral Camps15+~21 minutes10
6162The DeepNear SSRA Elder Thought Horrors11-15~11 minutes10

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1-60 Persona Leveling Guide (Ruins of Kunark) Everquest https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/1-60-persona-leveling-guide-ruins-of-kunark-everquest/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/1-60-persona-leveling-guide-ruins-of-kunark-everquest/#comments Sun, 19 May 2024 23:02:14 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2408 This guide was made to cover some of the best spots on TLP to level. If you are starting fresh and don’t have personas enabled you may find it difficult to travel...

The post 1-60 Persona Leveling Guide (Ruins of Kunark) Everquest appeared first on Everquest Progression Server Leveling.

This guide was made to cover some of the best spots on TLP to level. If you are starting fresh and don’t have personas enabled you may find it difficult to travel to all of these areas easily so this is best followed if you have personas or if you are back leveling and have a way to port around.

Levels 1-20

Level LLevel HZoneDescCamp SizeRespawn Time
15CrushboneEntrance Area6-10~8 minutes
14Field of BoneBonecrawlers, Underground cave central west15+~6 minutes
410BefallenFront Entrance and first level 4 doors, power level friendly15+~8 minutes
412BlackburrowWestern Side, jump down ramp head through doors15+~8 minutes
511South KaranaUndead Ruins in North11-15~3 minutes
610Greater FaydarkOrc Camps in North and Outside Crushbone15+~5 minutes
712CrushboneWest Side of map Slaver Caves/Scoutsman/Prophet6-10~8 minutes
715Field of BoneCenter Pit Area through zone middle, scorpions etc15+~6 minutes
812Nektulous ForestNorthwestern most orc camp11-15~ 5 minutes
915LavastormDrakes, Lavaspinners, Imps, north of druid ruins15+~8.5 minutes
1017UnrestCourtyard Area15+~5 minutes
1015North RoUndead Ruins6-10~30 seconds
1013Eastern KaranaCarrion Spider/Chasm Crawlers in field15+~5 minutes
1016Kurns TowerFirst floor of skeletons15+~14.5 minutes
1016Lake of Ill OmenField Killing North of Lake15+~13.5 minutes
1119South RoCrocs/Caiamans @ docks15+~ 2-3 minutes
1218CrushboneCastle Area with Emperor Crush6-10~8 minutes
1218BefallenJump in the pit 2nd door on right, and go through fake wall15+~ 8 minutes
1322Warsliks WoodsGoblin Fort North Central (3000,400)15+~11.5 minutes
1418Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Middle Circular Layer15+~16 minutes
1419Kurns TowerBottom Floor with moles/skeletons15+~14.5 minutes
1419The OverthereField Killing, Pull to NorthEast Wall area15+~5 minutes
1419Field of BoneIksar Manslayers, Northwest underground cave by shore11-15~10 minutes
1418Lake of Ill OmenNorth of Windmill (field killing)15+~13.5 minutes

Levels 20-30

1625Unrest1st Floor Center of Castle15+~16 minutes
1625Permafrost KeepIce Goblins, slow respawn15+~16 minutes
1725Upper GukFroglok Priest and area north15+~13.5 minutes
1721Lake of Ill OmenExplorer Camp (1750,220)6-10~13.5 minutes
1722Lake of Ill OmenGoblins East of Lake15+~13.5 minutes
1820Eastern KaranaCraig Spiders in field15+~5 minutes
1820Ocean of TearsSkeleton Island, 0, -550015+~16 minutes
1827Warsliks WoodsGiant Fort South Central (-500,1300)11-15~11.5 minutes
1923Castle MistmooreEntrance and tunnels up to Graveyard11-15~20.5 minutes
1924Sol ABridge up to room in North to Predator/Foreman15+~16.5 minutes
1929Upper GukFroglok Shinlord/Necromancer camp11-15~13.5 minutes
2029Highpass HoldsGuards at south or north side6-10~13.5 minutes
2026Lake of Ill OmenNorth Goblin Cavens15+~13.5 minutes
2123Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Center of Island15+~16 minutes
2125Lake of Ill OmenSarnak Castle Entrance area15+~13.5 minutes
2125Lake of Ill OmenInside Castle Chancellor Room / Tunnels15+~13.5 minutes
2233High KeepGoblins in basement, top level 22-25, bottom up to 3315+~10 minutes
2229Upper GukNokta Shaman area and east15+~13.5 minutes
2233High KeepGuards through zone if you don’t care about faction15+~20 minutes
2226Lake of Ill OmenUndead Ruins SE (-3200,-1600)1-5~13.5 minutes
2327Sol AInferno Goblin Captain in very north and area15+~16.5 minutes
2428Sol ABartender Room and surrounding to south and then east15+~16.5 minutes
2530UnrestFireplace up Stairs15+~16 minutes
2535UnrestBasement Area through hidden door15+~16 minutes
2528South KaranaGnolls outside Splitpaw, 39 named can spawn15+~5 minutes
2531LavastormBasilisks, Drakes, Etc north western area by tunnels11-15~8.5 minutes
2529Crypt of DalnirFirst Floor15+~11 minutes
2529Crypt of DalnirSecond Floor15+~11 minutes
2533Crypt of DalnirThird Floor15+~11 minutes
2633Castle MistmooreGraveyard + fake wall theres a level 40 in bottom room11-15~20.5 minutes
2631Sol AGoblin high Shaman very south and prison area6-10~16.5 minutes
2635Frontier MountainsGiant Fort in Center15+~10 minutes
2637The OverthereSarnak Buildings South of Pit (1500,600)11-15~5 minutes
2630Field of BoneSkeletons Underwater Tunnel North East11-15~10 minutes
2734Lower GukBedroom with Frogloks,skeletons,bats,spiders15+~26 minutes
2730Sol AKing Room in southwest6-10~16.5 minutes
2832Sol ACaptain Bigpnubble Gnome area in far east area15+~16.5 minutes
2832Sol ALava elemental gnome area North east15+~16.5 minutes

Levels 30-40

2939Castle MistmooreInside Castle Room for more than one regular group15+~20.5 minutes
2934Castle MistmooreCastle Entrance and surrounding11-15~20.5 minutes
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to Skyfire Ramp15+~5 minutes
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to South Wall near passage to FM15+~5 minutes
2935KaesoraEast Side by Librarian15+~16.5 minutes
3042Lower GukCrusader area15+~26 minutes
3140KaesoraWest Side by Xalgoz15+~16.5 minutes
3135DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave Southwest (-2400,3400)6-10~16 minutes
3140Frontier MountainsWest Goblin Cave15+~10 minutes
3236Rathe MountainsHill Giants / Cyclops NE area6-10~3-7 minutes
3241DreadlandsForest Giant Castle (-500,2000)6-10~16 minutes
3238The OverthereScorpions in Pit / In Buildings off of Pit15+~5 minutes
3234DreadlandsTundra Yet Cave NW (2000,5000)6-10~16 minutes
3338Sol BNoble Camp from entrance or off to left6-10~19 minutes
3335Sol BPool Room to North no named11-15~19 minutes
3349City of MistStables (-230,-500)15+~16 minutes
3340DreadlandsPull to North or South Castle Walls15+~16 minutes
3344City of MistEntrance/Bridge11-15~16 minutes
3340Burning WoodsSarnark Fort NE Corner15+~5 minutes
3442Sol BKobalt King/Priest/Champion rooms6-10~19 minutes
3438Lower GukAssassin/executioner Area15+~26 minutes
3443Lower GukFrenzy/Sentinel Area15+~26 minutes
3442Burning WoodsVarious Mobs NE Crater15+~5 minutes
3542Burning WoodsGiant Fort in Northwest6-10~5 minutes
3541Timorous DeepSpiroc Fort NW (5700,1000)15+~10.5 minutes
3543Burning WoodsSkeleton Ruins Southwestish (-1400,2250)6-10~5 minutes
3541Burning WoodsVarious Mobs SE Corner by FM Cave15+~5 minutes
3649Lower GukHerbalist/King Area15+~26 minutes
3649City of MistTemple (150,-600)15+~16 minutes
3649City of MistCenter Coutyard South Wall (-240,-265)15+~16 minutes
3640DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave West Center (-250,3200)6-10~16 minutes
3747Burning WoodsVarious Mobs West Crater15+~5 minutes
3740DreadlandsArachnid Camp North east6-10~16 minutes
3842Ocean of TearsCyclops Island, 2000, -400015+~16 minutes
3841The HoleEntrance out to bridge room11-15~17 minutes
3842The HoleRats in Cellars (named are higher level)11-15~17 minutes
3844Sol BBats, Beetles, and Spiders in the caves to south11-15~19 minutes
3852City of MistOutside of Castle (setup to pull to -235,35)15+~16 minutes
3843Mines of NurgaEntrance/Southeast Area15+~16 minutes

Levels 40-50

3947Lower GukArch Mage/Ghould Lord area11-15~26 minutes
3952City of MistInside Black Reaver Area and Castle (need key)15+~16 minutes
4044Karnor’s CastleCaptain Camp (first area coming in and up)15+~21.5 minutes
4045Karnor’s CastleSouthroom (-20,-250)15+~21.5 minutes
4045Karnor’s CastleNorthroom (50,-250)15+~21.5 minutes
4151Old SebilisBartender/Chef West Wing Area15+~21.5 minutes
4150Old SebilisMobs near entrance15+~21.5 minutes
4143Timorous DeepSouthwest Raptor Island (-8000,3000)15+~10.5 minutes
4248Ocean of TearsElite Goblin Island, South Center part of zone15+~10 minutes
4250Sol BEfreeti Lord Camp and guardians to west6-10~19 minutes
4249Old SebilisDisco 1/2, East Area15+~21.5 minutes
4250Karnor’s CastleWarlord/Hand, Far East into castle15+~21.5 minutes
4250Howling StonesNorth Wing (The Crypt Keeper)15+~15 minutes
4250Karnor’s CastleJailer/Cells center basement of castle15+~21.5 minutes
4245Howling StonesBasement (Drop off the side)15+~15 minutes
4353ChardokFort Entrance15+~16 minutes
4349Howling StonesWest Wing(Skeletal Procurator)15+~15 minutes
4551The HoleThe Docks and outward15+~17 minutes
4551The HoleSword 1/Pond Area15+~17 minutes
4652Howling StonesSouth Wing (The Specter Spiritualist)15+~15 minutes
4648Mines of NurgaNortheast / Eastern Half (Taskmaster etc)15+~16 minutes
4752ChardokCaves/Slave Area15+~16 minutes
4751Mines of NurgaWestern Half (Overseer/Spirit Chanter etc)15+~16 minutes

Levels 50-60

4854Old SebilisKing, South Center Area15+~21.5 minutes
5054Howling StonesEast Wing (Drusella Sathir))15+~15 minutes
5158ChardokVault Area15+~16 minutes
5157ChardokBridgkeeper Area15+~16 minutes
5155ChardokGravemaster Area15+~16 minutes
5255ChardokHerblist Area15+~16 minutes
5358ChardokKorocust area15+~16 minutes
5560The HoleUndead Towers15+~17 minutes
5557ChardokKennels15+~16 minutes
5560Old SebilisJuggernauts, very southeast near Trak15+~21.5 minutes
5560The HoleUndead Towers15+~17 minutes
5555Swamp of No HopeBlack Ravengers by Trakanons Teeth Zone Line11-15n/a

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Everquest Velious Hunting/Grinding Guide https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-velious-hunting-grinding-guide/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-velious-hunting-grinding-guide/#respond Mon, 07 Nov 2022 01:06:32 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2328 The Scars of Velious Expansion was originally released December 5, 2000. This was the second expansion to the original Everquest and was a pretty neat tri-faction expansion with the rift between the...

The post Everquest Velious Hunting/Grinding Guide appeared first on Everquest Progression Server Leveling.

The Scars of Velious Expansion was originally released December 5, 2000. This was the second expansion to the original Everquest and was a pretty neat tri-faction expansion with the rift between the Dwarves, Giants, and Claws of Veeshan. It also featured the widely acclaimed Sleeper’s Tomb where the unkillable Dragon rested that was never meant to be killed at all.

Some players took this as a challenge and on a multi-guild server wide raid of over 200 players, 4 hours of raiding, and over 1000 resurrections. They actually killed the Sleeper which is a piece of Everquest history that will never be forgotten. You can read about this feat here: https://massivelyop.com/2022/04/04/the-game-archaeologist-when-everquest-players-killed-the-unkillable-sleeper/.

This hunting guide was compiled and designed on a Time Locked Progression Server. Although some of the areas may be similar or the same on Live or P99, it’s intended use is for progression servers where the data has been collected from.

Legend for Table:

  • L – lowest level mob at location
  • H – highest level mob at location (does not include rares or named)
  • Popularity – all of the spots in the table can be good spots, think of popularity as the chance someone is doing this camp on a Fresh Velious TLP with 10 being almost always and 0 being almost never.
  • Camp Size – the number of mobs in the immediate camp area
  • Respawn Time – respawn time is how fast the mobs respawn after killing

Please do leave comments or feedback if you find any errors or have any other camp suggestions so that I can keep this up to date for the Velious Era.

LevelsZoneDescriptionCamp SizeRespawn TimePopularity
15CrushboneEntrance Area6-10~8 minutes2
14Field of BoneBonecrawlers, Underground cave central west15+~6 minutes2
28The WarrensKobalds by Paineel Entrance area NE Corner15+~5 minutes1
410BefallenFront Entrance and first level 4 doors, power level friendly15+~8 minutes3
412BlackburrowWestern Side, jump down ramp head through doors15+~8 minutes1
511South KaranaUndead Ruins in North11-15~3 minutes1
512The WarrensKobalds Southern side of Paineel Area15+~5 minutes1
69Lesser FaydarkSmall Orc Camp SE Quadrant1-5~5 minutes1
610Greater FaydarkOrc Camps in North and Outside Crushbone15+~5 minutes1
711Steamfont MountainsMinotaur Caves in North East11-15~5 minutes1
712CrushboneWest Side of map Slaver Caves/Scoutsman/Prophet6-10~8 minutes2
715Field of BoneCenter Pit Area through zone middle, scorpions etc15+~6 minutes2
89CommonlandsWestern Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes1
811West KaranaTwo Bandit camps near each other 4/3,-7000,+5006-10~5 minutes1
812CommonlandsCenter Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes1
812Misty ThicketWest End, Orcs, Goblins, Shadowed Assassin Camps15+~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestNorthwestern most orc camp11-15~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestSouthwestern most orc camp1-5~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestEastern most orc camp6-10~ 5 minutes1
813CommonlandsEastern Orc Camp along North Wall6-10~2.5 minutes1
813Erud's CrossingSpiders, Bats, Randoms on Center of Island11-15~3.5 minutes1
813Steamfont MountainsSpiders, Rats, and Harpies in North East15+~5 minutes1
814NajenaEntrance tunnels, skeletons etc15+~8 minutes2
818The WarrensKobalds/bats in Central Area15+~5 minutes1
911Lake RathetearBandit camps, two nearby11-15~5 minutes1
911LavastormGoblin Camp outside Sol A Cave6-10~8.5 minutes1
911Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Outter Rim15+~16 minutes1
911South KaranaRaider camp in North6-10~3 minutes1
912North KaranaRaider Camp Southeast on River6-10~3 minutes1
912Ocean of TearsTwo Small Islands with Sirens/Goblins East of Aviak15+~16 minutes1
915LavastormDrakes, Lavaspinners, Imps, north of druid ruins15+~8.5 minutes1
1013Eastern KaranaCarrion Spider/Chasm Crawlers in field15+~5 minutes1
1014CommonlandsBandits/Derv Camps near each other, 6 mobs each camp11-15~4.5 minutes1
1015North RoUndead Ruins6-10~30 seconds3
1017UnrestCourtyard Area15+~5 minutes4
1016Kurns TowerFirst floor of skeletons15+~14.5 minutes3
1016Lake of Ill OmenField Killing North of Lake15+~13.5 minutes1
1115Upper GukHeart Spiders6-10~13.5 minutes5
1117Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west tunnel, entrance area15+~14.5 minutes1
1119South RoCrocs/Caiamans @ docks15+~ 2-3 minutes1
1215South RoOrc Camps, random level 20 orc warrior roams15+~ 5 minutes1
1217Rathe MountainsOrcs/Lizardmen/Basilisks15+~5 minutes1
1218BefallenJump in the pit 2nd door on right, and go through fake wall15+~ 8 minutes3
1218CrushboneCastle Area with Emperor Crush6-10~8 minutes2
1224The WarrensWestern Side toward Stonebrunt Entrance Kobalds/Bats15+~5 minutes1
1217Field of BoneCenter East Field, Iksar,Scaled Wolves, Etc15+~6 minutes1
1215Swamp of No HopeUndead Ruins in North Central (1400,700)6-10~10 minutes1
1317North KaranaSmall undead area southeast zone1-5~11 minutes1
1317Stonebrunt MountainsSouth Southwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
1318Highpass HoldOrcs at southern entrance6-10~13.5 minutes1
1322Warsliks WoodsGoblin Fort North Central (3000,400)15+~11.5 minutes1
1316Timorous DeepUndead Iksar Northcentral (5700,-1300)11-15~10.5 minutes1
1416Lake RathetearGnolls with a named spawn6-10~2.5 minutes1
1418Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Middle Circular Layer15+~16 minutes1
1419Highpass HoldSmugglers jump off bridge and use under water tunnel11-15~13.5 minutes1
1420Ocean of TearsGoblin Island in South East15+~16 minutes1
1419Field of BoneIksar Manslayers, Northwest underground cave by shore11-15~10 minutes2
1419Kurns TowerBottom Floor with moles/skeletons15+~14.5 minutes3
1423Swamp of No HopeFroglok City(SE Part of Zone), Ramp is on East Side15+~10 minutes1
1419The OverthereField Killing, Pull to NorthEast Wall area15+~5 minutes3
1418Lake of Ill OmenNorth of Windmill (field killing)15+~13.5 minutes2
1519Upper GukSouth of Priest area basic frogloks11-15~13.5 minutes5
1620Upper GukFroglok Scryer area6-10~13.5 minutes5
1622Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west, the Northwestern sector in more15+~14.5 minutes1
1625Permafrost KeepIce Goblins, slow respawn15+~16 minutes1
1625Unrest1st Floor Center of Castle15+~16 minutes5
1722Stonebrunt MountainsSouthwest Kobold Camp15+~5 minutes1
1723South KaranaCentaur Village North East11-15~5 minutes1
1724Runnyeye CitadelGoblins/Sporali, lots of roamers15+~13.5 minutes1
1725Upper GukFroglok Priest and area north15+~13.5 minutes4
1727Stonebrunt MountainsKejekan Village, North Central Map, Some 32s15+~13 minutes1
1721Lake of Ill OmenExplorer Camp (1750,220)6-10~13.5 minutes1
1722Lake of Ill OmenGoblins East of Lake15+~13.5 minutes1
1721Timorous DeepFallen Deckhands (-4000,-4500)15+~10.5 minutes1
1820Eastern KaranaCraig Spiders in field15+~5 minutes1
1820Ocean of TearsSkeleton Island, 0, -550015+~16 minutes2
1821Stonebrunt MountainsEast Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
1827Warsliks WoodsGiant Fort South Central (-500,1300)11-15~11.5 minutes1
1923Castle MistmooreEntrance and tunnels up to Graveyard11-15~20.5 minutes5
1924Sol ABridge up to room in North to Predator/Foreman15+~16.5 minutes6
1925West KaranaOgre Camp in middle of zone, Chief is level 346-10~14 minutes1
1929Upper GukFroglok Shinlord/Necromancer camp11-15~13.5 minutes5
1932The FeerrottMini Lizard Temples, high mob is 32 15+~10 minutes1
1921Timorous DeepFallen Deckhands Northwest (7500,2800)15+~10.5 minutes1
2026Ocean of TearsGoblin Island West of Port In, 2500,-550015+~16 minutes1
2029Highpass HoldsGuards at south or north side6-10~13.5 minutes2
2026Lake of Ill OmenNorth Goblin Cavens15+~13.5 minutes1
2123Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Center of Island15+~16 minutes1
2124Everfrost PeaksGiant Wooly Spiders6-10~11 minutes1
2125Lake of Ill OmenSarnak Castle Entrance area15+~13.5 minutes1
2125Lake of Ill OmenInside Castle Chancellor Room / Tunnels15+~13.5 minutes1
2224LavastormTwo fire goblin camps near each other south side of lava11-15~8.5 minutes1
2224Stonebrunt MountainsNorth Northeast Kobold Camp (high level wanders near)6-10~5 minutes1
2229Upper GukNokta Shaman area and east15+~13.5 minutes4
2233High KeepGuards through zone if you don't care about faction15+~20 minutes2
2233High KeepGoblins in basement, top level 22-25, bottom up to 3315+~10 minutes3
2226Lake of Ill OmenUndead Ruins SE (-3200,-1600)1-5~13.5 minutes1
2327Sol AInferno Goblin Captain in very north and area15+~16.5 minutes5
2325Swamp of No HopeUndead Ruins in South Central (-2400,650)1-5~10 minutes1
2426Lavastorm2 small camps of shadowmen near each other6-10~8.5 minutes1
2426Lesser FaydarkFaerie Guards1-5~14.5 minutes1
2428Sol ABartender Room and surrounding to south and then east15+~16.5 minutes5
2433Firionia VieArchnics / Field outside of tunnel from Dreadlands15+~6 minutes1
2436Frontier MountainsMole Cave NE of Giant Fort15+~10 minutes1
2431Tower of Frozen Shadow1st Floor15+~15.5 minutes10
2526Lesser FaydarkSmall Shadowed Men Camp, South East1-5~5 minutes1
2528South KaranaGnolls outside Splitpaw, 39 named can spawn15+~5 minutes1
2528Stonebrunt MountainsNorthwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
2530UnrestFireplace up Stairs15+~16 minutes5
2531LavastormBasilisks, Drakes, Etc north western area by tunnels11-15~8.5 minutes1
2535UnrestBasement Area through hidden door15+~16 minutes6
2529Crypt of DalnirFirst Floor15+~11 minutes2
2529Crypt of DalnirSecond Floor15+~11 minutes2
2533Crypt of DalnirThird Floor15+~11 minutes2
2535Timorous DeepGolra Island Southeast (-9000,-5500)11-15~10.5 minutes1
2531The Great DivideMinotaur Caves Northwest15+~5 minutes3
2531Crystal CavernsOrcs Near Entrance / Beginning Tunnels15+~12 minutes7
2535Iceclad OceanGnolls Southeast of Middle Island15+~15 minutes6
2631Sol AGoblin high Shaman very south and prison area6-10~16.5 minutes5
2633Castle MistmooreGraveyard + fake wall theres a level 40 in bottom room11-15~20.5 minutes6
2630Field of BoneSkeletons Underwater Tunnel North East11-15~10 minutes1
2635Frontier MountainsGiant Fort in Center15+~10 minutes2
2637The OverthereSarnak Buildings South of Pit (1500,600)11-15~5 minutes3
2730Sol AKing Room in southwest6-10~16.5 minutes5
2734Lower GukBedroom with Frogloks,skeletons,bats,spiders15+~26 minutes6
2731Firionia ViePilgrims Northeast of FV, Set near shoreline15+~6 minutes1
2731Eastern WastesOrc Mini Camp North of Bridge (-3250,-4500)1-5~21.5 minutes3
2733Iceclad OceanSouthwest Island (field killing)15+~15 minutes3
2731Iceclad OceanMiddle Island Outside TOFS Field Killing15+~15 minutes3
2733Tower of Frozen Shadow2nd Floor15+~15.5 minutes10
2737Tower of Frozen Shadow6th Floor15+~15.5 minutes10
2832Sol ACaptain Bigpnubble Gnome area in far east area15+~16.5 minutes4
2832Sol ALava elemental gnome area North east15+~16.5 minutes4
2833Firionia VieDrolvarg Building, (-300,-1000)6-10~6 minutes1
2840Trakanon's TeethCenter between 3 undead camps and roamers (3250,750)15+~27 minutes1
2835Crystal CavernsTerror Caves15+~12 minutes8
2934Castle MistmooreCastle Entrance and surrounding11-15~20.5 minutes6
2939Castle MistmooreInside Castle Room for more than one regular group15+~20.5 minutes6
2935Firionia VieFrogloks / Field Against North Wall of pit in center of zone15+~6 minutes1
2934Frontier MountainsSarnak Mini Camp West of Giant Fort1-5~10 minutes1
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to Skyfire Ramp15+~5 minutes3
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to South Wall near passage to FM15+~5 minutes3
2935KaesoraEast Side by Librarian15+~16.5 minutes3
2934Emerald JungleNorthwest Wall (field killing)15+~10.5 minutes1
3042Lower GukCrusader area15+~26 minutes6
3036The Great DivideKodiac Cave Southwest (Outside Velks)15+~5 minutes4
3035Eastern WastesDwarves Center Area (-2600,-400)6-10~21.5 minutes4
3037Crystal CavenersSpider Area (South east)6-10~12 minutes8
3135DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave Southwest (-2400,3400)6-10~16 minutes1
3140Frontier MountainsWest Goblin Cave15+~10 minutes1
3140KaesoraWest Side by Xalgoz15+~16.5 minutes5
3134Emerald JungleSmall iksar Camp in North (4200,-1400)6-10~10.5 minutes1
3140Eastern WastesWalrus Field Killing Southwest Corner15+~21.5 minutes3
3145Eastern WastesCenter Orc Camp Chief Ry'gorr Level 4515+~21.5 minutes8
3136Kael DrakkelGiants at Entrance to the South East Wing15+~20 minutes10
3137Tower of Frozen Shadow3rd Floor15+~15.5 minutes10
3236Rathe MountainsHill Giants / Cyclops NE area6-10~3-7 minutes8
3241DreadlandsForest Giant Castle (-500,2000) 6-10~16 minutes1
3234DreadlandsTundra Yet Cave NW (2000,5000)6-10~16 minutes1
3238The OverthereScorpions in Pit / In Buildings off of Pit15+~5 minutes1
3240Eastern WastesDwarf Missionary Area South (-7750,-2200)6-10~21.5 minutes5
3237Tower of Frozen Shadow4th Floor15+~15.5 minutes10
3335Sol BPool Room to North no named11-15~19 minutes8
3336South RoDeepwater Goblins6-10~4 minutes5
3337South RoSpectres6-10~13.5 minutes5
3338Sol BNoble Camp from entrance or off to left6-10~19 minutes7
3340DreadlandsSkeletons East Side6-10~16 minutes1
3340DreadlandsPull to North or South Castle Walls15+~16 minutes3
3340Burning WoodsSarnark Fort NE Corner15+~5 minutes1
3344City of MistEntrance/Bridge11-15~16 minutes4
3349City of MistStables (-230,-500)15+~16 minutes4
3340Trakanon's TeethIksar Camp (-2500,-4000)6-10~27 minutes1
3340The Great DivideShardwurm Caves Center of Zone15+~5 minutes5
3335Wakening LandsHolgren Caves (-3400,2100)11-15~12 minutes6
3437Ocean of TearsSpectres in middle of Skeleton Island6-10~16 minutes4
3438Lower GukAssassin/executioner Area15+~26 minutes6
3442Sol BKobalt King/Priest/Champion rooms6-10~19 minutes8
3443Lower GukFrenzy/Sentinel Area15+~26 minutes8
3439Firionia VieForest Giant Arbor Mini Camp North East1-5~6 minutes1
3442Burning WoodsVarious Mobs NE Crater15+~5 minutes1
3442Trakanon's TeethSouthwest Undead Ruins (-2750,2000)15+~27 minutes1
3440Tower of Frozen Shadow7th Floor15+~15.5 minutes10
3542Burning WoodsGiant Fort in Northwest6-10~5 minutes1
3543Burning WoodsSkeleton Ruins Southwestish (-1400,2250)6-10~5 minutes1
3541Burning WoodsVarious Mobs SE Corner by FM Cave15+~5 minutes1
3540Lake of Ill OmenUnderwater Goblins, Center of Lake15+~11 minutes1
3540Emerald JungleSoutheast Runes (can pull to wall)15+~10.5 minutes1
3540Emerald JungleOld Walkway in Southern area field killing (-600,800)15+~10.5 minutes1
3541Timorous DeepSpiriac Fort NW (5700,1000)15+~10.5 minutes1
3543The Great DivideFrost Giant Fort East (-2600,-2600)11-15~6.5 minutes7
3539Eastern WastesNorthern Section (250,0) (Ogres, Orcs, Frost Giants)6-10~21.5 minutes7
3537Wakening LandsFairies North Center (1750,-100)11-15~12 minutes4
3649Lower GukHerbalist/King Area15+~26 minutes8
3640DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave West Center (-250,3200)6-10~16 minutes1
3649City of MistTemple (150,-600)15+~16 minutes5
3649City of MistCenter Coutyard South Wall (-240,-265)15+~16 minutes5
3640Tower of Frozen Shadow5th Floor15+~15.5 minutes10
3645Wakening LandsFrost Giants (east wall by Kael and camps)15+~12 minutes9
3740DreadlandsArachnid Camp North east6-10~16 minutes2
3747Burning WoodsVarious Mobs West Crater15+~5 minutes1
3743Eastern WastesFrost Giant Fort (-1750,3000)6-10~21.5 minutes8
3841The HoleEntrance out to bridge room11-15~17 minutes8
3842Ocean of TearsCyclops Island, 2000, -400015+~16 minutes9
3842The HoleRats in Cellars (named are higher level)11-15~17 minutes8
3844Sol BBats, Beetles, and Spiders in the caves to south11-15~19 minutes7
3852City of MistOutside of Castle (setup to pull to -235,35)15+~16 minutes7
3843Mines of NurgaEntrance/Southeast Area15+~16 minutes5
3947Lower GukArch Mage/Ghould Lord area11-15~26 minutes8
3952City of MistInside Black Reaver Area and Castle (need key)15+~16 minutes5
3942Cobalt ScarWyverns Along Edges (can be quad kited by druids)15+~16 minutes9
3947Wakening LandsGeonid Cave (-3000,-1400)15+~12 minutes9
4044Karnor's CastleCaptain Camp (first area coming in and up)15+~21.5 minutes3
4045Karnor's CastleSouthroom (-20,-250)15+~21.5 minutes3
4045Karnor's CastleNorthroom (50,-250)15+~21.5 minutes3
4151Old SebilisBartender/Chef West Wing Area15+~21.5 minutes5
4150Old SebilisMobs near entrance15+~21.5 minutes4
4143Timorous DeepSouthwest Raptor Island (-8000,3000)15+~10.5 minutes4
4248Ocean of TearsElite Goblin Island, South Center part of zone15+~10 minutes7
4250Sol BEfreeti Lord Camp and guardians to west6-10~19 minutes7
4250Howling StonesNorth Wing (The Crypt Keeper)15+~15 minutes5
4245Howling StonesBasement (Drop off the side)15+~15 minutes5
4249Old SebilisDisco 1/2, East Area15+~21.5 minutes7
4250Karnor's CastleWarlord/Hand, Far East into castle15+~21.5 minutes5
4250Karnor's CastleJailer/Cells center basement of castle15+~21.5 minutes5
4247Cobalt ScarOthmir Camps on the beach6-10~16 minutes3
4246Wakening LandsSuits of Sentient Armor 2x Camps (1750,-2250)6-10~12 minutes7
4353ChardokFort Entrance15+~16 minutes2
4349Howling StonesWest Wing(Skeletal Procurator)15+~15 minutes4
4350Kael DrakkelGiants on North End but around the outside15+~20 minutes10
4551The HoleThe Docks and outward15+~17 minutes7
4551The HoleSword 1/Pond Area15+~17 minutes7
4547Velketor's LabyrinthEntrance and Spirals up15+~16 minutes10
4652Howling StonesSouth Wing (The Specter Spiritualist)15+~15 minutes5
4648Mines of NurgaNortheast / Eastern Half (Taskmaster etc)15+~16 minutes4
4658Dragon NecropolisChetari (Rat Caves)15+~12 minutes10
4651Velketor's LabyrinthKobalds East Side15+~16 minutes10
4752ChardokCaves/Slave Area15+~16 minutes8
4751Mines of NurgaWestern Half (Overseer/Spirit Chanter etc)15+~16 minutes4
4750Dragon NecropolisPhase Spiders Scattered15+~12 minutes10
4854Old SebilisKing, South Center Area15+~21.5 minutes8
4849Timorous DeepGunthak Swabby's (2500,-700)6-10~10.5 minutes2
4849Timorous DeepGunthak Swabby's Northeast (6000,-3800)15+~10.5 minutes2
4853Siren's GrottoSirens in Eastern Area15+~22.5 minutes9
5054Howling StonesEast Wing (Drusella Sathir))15+~15 minutes8
5058Kael DrakkelGiants on North End on the Inside Areas15+~20 minutes10
5052Western WastesWyvern Caves Northeast Corner (2500,-3000)15+~30 minutes7
5050Western WastesPirates Nothrwest Area (4500,1800) watch faction6-10~30 minutes6
5158ChardokVault Area15+~16 minutes7
5157ChardokBridgkeeper Area15+~16 minutes7
5155ChardokGravemaster Area15+~16 minutes7
5157Siren's GrottoWalrus/Manatees North Area15+~22.5 minutes7
5255ChardokHerblist Area15+~16 minutes7
5256Velketor's LabyrinthGargoyle/Sentinels15+~16 minutes10
5358ChardokKorocust area15+~16 minutes7
5560The HoleUndead Towers15+~17 minutes8
5555Swamp of No HopeBlack Ravengers by Trakanons Teeth Zone Line11-15n/a3
5557ChardokKennels15+~16 minutes9
5560Old SebilisJuggernauts, very southeast near Trak15+~21.5 minutes9
5555The Great DivideTower Guards (-1200, 200) Up to 4 watch for level 651-5~6.5 minutes5
5558Siren's GrottoSirens in the Water in North15+~22.5 minutes9
3337The FeerotSpectures SW Corner1-5~10 minutes1

The post Everquest Velious Hunting/Grinding Guide appeared first on Everquest Progression Server Leveling.

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Everquest Kunark Grinding/Leveling Guide https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-kunark-grinding-leveling-guide/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-kunark-grinding-leveling-guide/#respond Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:33:01 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2310 The Ruins of Kunark expansion was originally released on April 24th, 2000 and expands the level cap from 50-60 while adding quite a new number of zones to the classic. Some of...

The post Everquest Kunark Grinding/Leveling Guide appeared first on Everquest Progression Server Leveling.

The Ruins of Kunark expansion was originally released on April 24th, 2000 and expands the level cap from 50-60 while adding quite a new number of zones to the classic. Some of the highlights of this expansion are new open world dragons, class specific epic quests, and the Iksar becoming a playable race.

This hunting guide was compiled and designed on a Time Locked Progression Server. Although some of the areas may be similar or the same on Live or P99, it’s intended use is for progression servers where the data has been collected from.

Legend for Table:

  • L – lowest level mob at location
  • H – highest level mob at location (does not include rares or named)
  • Popularity – all of the spots in the table can be good spots, think of popularity as the chance someone is doing this camp on a Fresh Kunark TLP with 10 being almost always and 0 being almost never.
  • Camp Size – the number of mobs in the immediate camp area
  • Respawn Time – respawn time is how fast the mobs respawn after killing

Please do leave comments or feedback if you find any errors or have any other camp suggestions so that I can keep this up to date for the Kunark Era.

LevelsZoneDescriptionCamp SizeRespawn TimePopularity
15CrushboneEntrance Area6-10~8 minutes2
14Field of BoneBonecrawlers, Underground cave central west15+~6 minutes7
28The WarrensKobalds by Paineel Entrance area NE Corner15+~5 minutes1
410BefallenFront Entrance and first level 4 doors, power level friendly15+~8 minutes3
412BlackburrowWestern Side, jump down ramp head through doors15+~8 minutes2
511South KaranaUndead Ruins in North11-15~3 minutes1
512The WarrensKobalds Southern side of Paineel Area15+~5 minutes1
69Lesser FaydarkSmall Orc Camp SE Quadrant1-5~5 minutes1
610Greater FaydarkOrc Camps in North and Outside Crushbone15+~5 minutes1
711Steamfont MountainsMinotaur Caves in North East11-15~5 minutes1
712CrushboneWest Side of map Slaver Caves/Scoutsman/Prophet6-10~8 minutes2
715Field of BoneCenter Pit Area through zone middle, scorpions etc15+~6 minutes8
89CommonlandsWestern Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes1
811West KaranaTwo Bandit camps near each other 4/3,-7000,+5006-10~5 minutes1
812CommonlandsCenter Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes1
812Misty ThicketWest End, Orcs, Goblins, Shadowed Assassin Camps15+~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestNorthwestern most orc camp11-15~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestSouthwestern most orc camp1-5~ 5 minutes1
812Nektulous ForestEastern most orc camp6-10~ 5 minutes1
813CommonlandsEastern Orc Camp along North Wall6-10~2.5 minutes1
813Erud's CrossingSpiders, Bats, Randoms on Center of Island11-15~3.5 minutes1
813Steamfont MountainsSpiders, Rats, and Harpies in North East15+~5 minutes1
814NajenaEntrance tunnels, skeletons etc15+~8 minutes2
818The WarrensKobalds/bats in Central Area15+~5 minutes1
911Lake RathetearBandit camps, two nearby11-15~5 minutes1
911LavastormGoblin Camp outside Sol A Cave6-10~8.5 minutes1
911Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Outter Rim15+~16 minutes1
911South KaranaRaider camp in North6-10~3 minutes1
912North KaranaRaider Camp Southeast on River6-10~3 minutes1
912Ocean of TearsTwo Small Islands with Sirens/Goblins East of Aviak15+~16 minutes1
915LavastormDrakes, Lavaspinners, Imps, north of druid ruins15+~8.5 minutes1
1013Eastern KaranaCarrion Spider/Chasm Crawlers in field15+~5 minutes1
1014CommonlandsBandits/Derv Camps near each other, 6 mobs each camp11-15~4.5 minutes1
1015North RoUndead Ruins6-10~30 seconds2
1017UnrestCourtyard Area15+~5 minutes5
1016Kurns TowerFirst floor of skeletons15+~14.5 minutes10
1016Lake of Ill OmenField Killing North of Lake15+~13.5 minutes8
1115Upper GukHeart Spiders6-10~13.5 minutes2
1117Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west tunnel, entrance area15+~14.5 minutes1
1119South RoCrocs/Caiamans @ docks15+~ 2-3 minutes2
1215South RoOrc Camps, random level 20 orc warrior roams15+~ 5 minutes1
1217Rathe MountainsOrcs/Lizardmen/Basilisks15+~5 minutes1
1218BefallenJump in the pit 2nd door on right, and go through fake wall15+~ 8 minutes3
1218CrushboneCastle Area with Emperor Crush6-10~8 minutes2
1224The WarrensWestern Side toward Stonebrunt Entrance Kobalds/Bats15+~5 minutes1
1217Field of BoneCenter East Field, Iksar,Scaled Wolves, Etc15+~6 minutes6
1215Swamp of No HopeUndead Ruins in North Central (1400,700)6-10~10 minutes5
1317North KaranaSmall undead area southeast zone1-5~11 minutes1
1317Stonebrunt MountainsSouth Southwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
1318Highpass HoldOrcs at southern entrance6-10~13.5 minutes1
1322Warsliks WoodsGoblin Fort North Central (3000,400)15+~11.5 minutes8
1316Timorous DeepUndead Iksar Northcentral (5700,-1300)11-15~10.5 minutes5
1416Lake RathetearGnolls with a named spawn6-10~2.5 minutes1
1418Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Middle Circular Layer15+~16 minutes2
1419Highpass HoldSmugglers jump off bridge and use under water tunnel11-15~13.5 minutes1
1420Ocean of TearsGoblin Island in South East15+~16 minutes4
1419Field of BoneIksar Manslayers, Northwest underground cave by shore11-15~10 minutes7
1419Kurns TowerBottom Floor with moles/skeletons15+~14.5 minutes10
1423Swamp of No HopeFroglok City(SE Part of Zone), Ramp is on East Side15+~10 minutes5
1419The OverthereField Killing, Pull to NorthEast Wall area15+~5 minutes9
1418Lake of Ill OmenNorth of Windmill (field killing)15+~13.5 minutes7
1519Upper GukSouth of Priest area basic frogloks11-15~13.5 minutes3
1620Upper GukFroglok Scryer area6-10~13.5 minutes3
1622Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west, the Northwestern sector in more15+~14.5 minutes1
1625Permafrost KeepIce Goblins, slow respawn15+~16 minutes1
1625Unrest1st Floor Center of Castle15+~16 minutes4
1722Stonebrunt MountainsSouthwest Kobold Camp15+~5 minutes1
1723South KaranaCentaur Village North East11-15~5 minutes1
1724Runnyeye CitadelGoblins/Sporali, lots of roamers15+~13.5 minutes1
1725Upper GukFroglok Priest and area north15+~13.5 minutes3
1727Stonebrunt MountainsKejekan Village, North Central Map, Some 32s15+~13 minutes1
1721Lake of Ill OmenExplorer Camp (1750,220)6-10~13.5 minutes7
1722Lake of Ill OmenGoblins East of Lake15+~13.5 minutes7
1721Timorous DeepFallen Deckhands (-4000,-4500)15+~10.5 minutes5
1820Eastern KaranaCraig Spiders in field15+~5 minutes1
1820Ocean of TearsSkeleton Island, 0, -550015+~16 minutes3
1821Stonebrunt MountainsEast Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
1827Warsliks WoodsGiant Fort South Central (-500,1300)11-15~11.5 minutes8
1923Castle MistmooreEntrance and tunnels up to Graveyard11-15~20.5 minutes5
1924Sol ABridge up to room in North to Predator/Foreman15+~16.5 minutes6
1925West KaranaOgre Camp in middle of zone, Chief is level 346-10~14 minutes1
1929Upper GukFroglok Shinlord/Necromancer camp11-15~13.5 minutes3
1932The FeerrottMini Lizard Temples, high mob is 32 15+~10 minutes1
1921Timorous DeepFallen Deckhands Northwest (7500,2800)15+~10.5 minutes5
2026Ocean of TearsGoblin Island West of Port In, 2500,-550015+~16 minutes1
2029Highpass HoldsGuards at south or north side6-10~13.5 minutes1
2026Lake of Ill OmenNorth Goblin Cavens15+~13.5 minutes8
2123Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Center of Island15+~16 minutes1
2124Everfrost PeaksGiant Wooly Spiders6-10~11 minutes1
2125Lake of Ill OmenSarnak Castle Entrance area15+~13.5 minutes10
2125Lake of Ill OmenInside Castle Chancellor Room / Tunnels15+~13.5 minutes10
2224LavastormTwo fire goblin camps near each other south side of lava11-15~8.5 minutes1
2224Stonebrunt MountainsNorth Northeast Kobold Camp (high level wanders near)6-10~5 minutes1
2229Upper GukNokta Shaman area and east15+~13.5 minutes3
2233High KeepGuards through zone if you don't care about faction15+~20 minutes2
2233High KeepGoblins in basement, top level 22-25, bottom up to 3315+~10 minutes4
2226Lake of Ill OmenUndead Ruins SE (-3200,-1600)1-5~13.5 minutes7
2327Sol AInferno Goblin Captain in very north and area15+~16.5 minutes6
2325Swamp of No HopeUndead Ruins in South Central (-2400,650)1-5~10 minutes5
2426Lavastorm2 small camps of shadowmen near each other6-10~8.5 minutes1
2426Lesser FaydarkFaerie Guards1-5~14.5 minutes1
2428Sol ABartender Room and surrounding to south and then east15+~16.5 minutes6
2433Firionia VieArachnids / Field outside of tunnel from Dreadlands15+~6 minutes5
2436Frontier MountainsMole Cave NE of Giant Fort15+~10 minutes5
2526Lesser FaydarkSmall Shadowed Men Camp, South East1-5~5 minutes1
2528South KaranaGnolls outside Splitpaw, 39 named can spawn15+~5 minutes2
2528Stonebrunt MountainsNorthwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
2530UnrestFireplace up Stairs15+~16 minutes5
2531LavastormBasilisks, Drakes, Etc north western area by tunnels11-15~8.5 minutes1
2535UnrestBasement Area through hidden door15+~16 minutes6
2529Crypt of DalnirFirst Floor15+~11 minutes9
2529Crypt of DalnirSecond Floor15+~11 minutes9
2533Crypt of DalnirThird Floor15+~11 minutes9
2535Timorous DeepGolra Island Southeast (-9000,-5500)11-15~10.5 minutes5
2631Sol AGoblin high Shaman very south and prison area6-10~16.5 minutes6
2633Castle MistmooreGraveyard + fake wall theres a level 40 in bottom room11-15~20.5 minutes7
2630Field of BoneSkeletons Underwater Tunnel North East11-15~10 minutes7
2635Frontier MountainsGiant Fort in Center15+~10 minutes9
2637The OverthereSarnak Buildings South of Pit (1500,600)11-15~5 minutes8
2730Sol AKing Room in southwest6-10~16.5 minutes7
2734Lower GukBedroom with Frogloks,skeletons,bats,spiders15+~26 minutes5
2731Firionia ViePilgrims Northeast of FV, Set near shoreline15+~6 minutes5
2832Sol ACaptain Bigpnubble Gnome area in far east area15+~16.5 minutes2
2832Sol ALava elemental gnome area North east15+~16.5 minutes2
2833Firionia VieDrolvarg Building, (-300,-1000)6-10~6 minutes4
2840Trakanon's TeethCenter between 3 undead camps and roamers (3250,750)15+~27 minutes2
2934Castle MistmooreCastle Entrance and surrounding11-15~20.5 minutes4
2939Castle MistmooreInside Castle Room for more than one regular group15+~20.5 minutes7
2935Firionia VieFrogloks / Field Against North Wall of pit in center of zone15+~6 minutes5
2934Frontier MountainsSarnak Mini Camp West of Giant Fort1-5~10 minutes3
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to Skyfire Ramp15+~5 minutes9
2938The OverthereField Killing, Pull to South Wall near passage to FM15+~5 minutes9
2935KaesoraEast Side by Librarian15+~16.5 minutes9
2934Emerald JungleNorthwest Wall (field killing)15+~10.5 minutes2
3042Lower GukCrusader area15+~26 minutes7
3135DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave Southwest (-2400,3400)6-10~16 minutes7
3140Frontier MountainsWest Goblin Cave15+~10 minutes7
3140KaesoraWest Side by Xalgoz15+~16.5 minutes10
3134Emerald JungleSmall iksar Camp in North (4200,-1400)6-10~10.5 minutes1
3236Rathe MountainsHill Giants / Cyclops NE area6-10~3-7 minutes7
3241DreadlandsForest Giant Castle (-500,2000) 6-10~16 minutes8
3234DreadlandsTundra Yet Cave NW (2000,5000)6-10~16 minutes7
3238The OverthereScorpions in Pit / In Buildings off of Pit15+~5 minutes8
3335Sol BPool Room to North no named11-15~19 minutes5
3336South RoDeepwater Goblins6-10~4 minutes2
3337South RoSpectres6-10~13.5 minutes2
3338Sol BNoble Camp from entrance or off to left6-10~19 minutes6
3340DreadlandsSkeletons East Side6-10~16 minutes6
3340DreadlandsPull to North or South Castle Walls15+~16 minutes9
3340Burning WoodsSarnark Fort NE Corner15+~5 minutes8
3344City of MistEntrance/Bridge11-15~16 minutes9
3349City of MistStables (-230,-500)15+~16 minutes10
3340Trakanon's TeethIksar Camp (-2500,-4000)6-10~27 minutes2
3437Ocean of TearsSpectres in middle of Skeleton Island6-10~16 minutes3
3438Lower GukAssassin/executioner Area15+~26 minutes7
3442Sol BKobalt King/Priest/Champion rooms6-10~19 minutes8
3443Lower GukFrenzy/Sentinel Area15+~26 minutes7
3439Firionia VieForest Giant Arbor Mini Camp North East1-5~6 minutes4
3442Burning WoodsVarious Mobs NE Crater15+~5 minutes7
3442Trakanon's TeethSouthwest Undead Ruins (-2750,2000)15+~27 minutes2
3542Burning WoodsGiant Fort in Northwest6-10~5 minutes9
3543Burning WoodsSkeleton Ruins Southwestish (-1400,2250)6-10~5 minutes7
3541Burning WoodsVarious Mobs SE Corner by FM Cave15+~5 minutes7
3540Lake of Ill OmenUnderwater Goblins, Center of Lake15+~11 minutes5
3540Emerald JungleSoutheast Runes (can pull to wall)15+~10.5 minutes2
3540Emerald JungleOld Walkway in Southern area field killing (-600,800)15+~10.5 minutes2
3541Timorous DeepSpiroc Fort NW (5700,1000)15+~10.5 minutes8
3649Lower GukHerbalist/King Area15+~26 minutes7
3640DreadlandsTundra Yeti Cave West Center (-250,3200)6-10~16 minutes7
3649City of MistTemple (150,-600)15+~16 minutes10
3649City of MistCenter Coutyard South Wall (-240,-265)15+~16 minutes9
3740DreadlandsArachnid Camp North east6-10~16 minutes7
3747Burning WoodsVarious Mobs West Crater15+~5 minutes9
3841The HoleEntrance out to bridge room11-15~17 minutes8
3842Ocean of TearsCyclops Island, 2000, -400015+~16 minutes7
3842The HoleRats in Cellars (named are higher level)11-15~17 minutes7
3844Sol BBats, Beetles, and Spiders in the caves to south11-15~19 minutes4
3852City of MistOutside of Castle (setup to pull to -235,35)15+~16 minutes9
3843Mines of NurgaEntrance/Southeast Area15+~16 minutes7
3947Lower GukArch Mage/Ghould Lord area11-15~26 minutes5
3952City of MistInside Black Reaver Area and Castle (need key)15+~16 minutes9
4044Karnor's CastleCaptain Camp (first area coming in and up)15+~21.5 minutes9
4045Karnor's CastleSouthroom (-20,-250)15+~21.5 minutes9
4045Karnor's CastleNorthroom (50,-250)15+~21.5 minutes9
4151Old SebilisBartender/Chef West Wing Area15+~21.5 minutes10
4150Old SebilisMobs near entrance15+~21.5 minutes9
4143Timorous DeepSouthwest Raptor Island (-8000,3000)15+~10.5 minutes8
4248Ocean of TearsElite Goblin Island, South Center part of zone15+~10 minutes6
4250Sol BEfreeti Lord Camp and guardians to west6-10~19 minutes7
4250Howling StonesNorth Wing (The Crypt Keeper)15+~15 minutes9
4245Howling StonesBasement (Drop off the side)15+~15 minutes8
4249Old SebilisDisco 1/2, East Area15+~21.5 minutes10
4250Karnor's CastleWarlord/Hand, Far East into castle15+~21.5 minutes10
4250Karnor's CastleJailer/Cells center basement of castle15+~21.5 minutes9
4353ChardokFort Entrance15+~16 minutes10
4349Howling StonesWest Wing(Skeletal Procurator)15+~15 minutes9
4551The HoleThe Docks and outward15+~17 minutes7
4551The HoleSword 1/Pond Area15+~17 minutes7
4652Howling StonesSouth Wing (The Specter Spiritualist)15+~15 minutes9
4648Mines of NurgaNortheast / Eastern Half (Taskmaster etc)15+~16 minutes7
4752ChardokCaves/Slave Area15+~16 minutes10
4751Mines of NurgaWestern Half (Overseer/Spirit Chanter etc)15+~16 minutes7
4854Old SebilisKing, South Center Area15+~21.5 minutes10
4849Timorous DeepGunthak Swabby's (2500,-700)6-10~10.5 minutes5
4849Timorous DeepGunthak Swabby's Northeast (6000,-3800)15+~10.5 minutes5
5054Howling StonesEast Wing (Drusella Sathir))15+~15 minutes10
5158ChardokVault Area15+~16 minutes10
5157ChardokBridgkeeper Area15+~16 minutes10
5155ChardokGravemaster Area15+~16 minutes10
5255ChardokHerblist Area15+~16 minutes10
5358ChardokKorocust area15+~16 minutes10
5560The HoleUndead Towers15+~17 minutes9
5555Swamp of No HopeBlack Ravengers by Trakanons Teeth Zone Line11-15n/a7
5557ChardokKennels15+~16 minutes10
5560Old SebilisJuggernauts, very southeast near Trak15+~21.5 minutes10
3337The FeerotSpectures SW Corner1-5~10 minutes1

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Everquest Classic Grinding/Leveling Guide https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-classic-grinding-leveling-guide/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-classic-grinding-leveling-guide/#respond Sat, 27 Aug 2022 03:36:47 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2258 This hunting guide was compiled and designed on a Time Locked Progression Server. Although some of the areas may be similar or the same on Live or P99, it’s intended use is...

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This hunting guide was compiled and designed on a Time Locked Progression Server. Although some of the areas may be similar or the same on Live or P99, it’s intended use is for progression servers where the data has been collected from.

Legend for Table:

  • L – lowest level mob at location
  • H – highest level mob at location (does not include rares or named)
  • Popularity – all of the spots in the table can be good spots, think of popularity as the likelihood out of 10 that you’d see other people already in this spot on a fresh TLP in Classic.
  • Camp Size – the number of mobs in the immediate camp area
  • Respawn Time – respawn time is how fast the mobs respawn after killing

Please do leave comments or feedback if you find any errors or have any other camp suggestions so that I can keep this up to date for the Classic Era.

LHZoneDescriptionCamp SizeRespawn TimePopularity
15CrushboneEntrance Area6-10~8 minutes7
410BefallenFront Entrance and first level 4 doors, power level friendly15+~8 minutes10
412BlackburrowWestern Side, jump down ramp head through doors15+~8 minutes8
511South KaranaUndead Ruins in North11-15~3 minutes7
512The WarrensKobalds Southern side of Paineel Area15+~5 minutes4
69Lesser FaydarkSmall Orc Camp SE Quadrant1-5~5 minutes2
610Greater FaydarkOrc Camps in North and Outside Crushbone15+~5 minutes8
711Steamfont MountainsMinotaur Caves in North East11-15~5 minutes3
712CrushboneWest Side of map Slaver Caves/Scoutsman/Prophet6-10~8 minutes8
89CommonlandsWestern Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes6
811West KaranaTwo Bandit camps near each other 4/3,-7000,+5006-10~5 minutes5
812CommonlandsCenter Orc Camp along North Wall1-5~2.5 minutes6
812Misty ThicketWest End, Orcs, Goblins, Shadowed Assassin Camps15+~ 5 minutes5
812Nektulous ForestNorthwestern most orc camp11-15~ 5 minutes7
812Nektulous ForestSouthwestern most orc camp1-5~ 5 minutes4
812Nektulous ForestEastern most orc camp6-10~ 5 minutes5
813CommonlandsEastern Orc Camp along North Wall6-10~2.5 minutes4
813Erud's CrossingSpiders, Bats, Randoms on Center of Island11-15~3.5 minutes3
813Steamfont MountainsSpiders, Rats, and Harpies in North East15+~5 minutes6
814NajenaEntrance tunnels, skeletons etc15+~8 minutes6
818The WarrensKobalds/bats in Central Area15+~5 minutes4
911Lake RathetearBandit camps, two nearby11-15~5 minutes2
911LavastormGoblin Camp outside Sol A Cave6-10~8.5 minutes1
911Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Outter Rim15+~16 minutes5
911South KaranaRaider camp in North6-10~3 minutes2
912North KaranaRaider Camp Southeast on River6-10~3 minutes2
912Ocean of TearsTwo Small Islands with Sirens/Goblins East of Aviak15+~16 minutes2
915LavastormDrakes, Lavaspinners, Imps, north of druid ruins15+~8.5 minutes7
1013Eastern KaranaCarrion Spider/Chasm Crawlers in field15+~5 minutes8
1014CommonlandsBandits/Derv Camps near each other, 6 mobs each camp11-15~4.5 minutes5
1015North RoUndead Ruins6-10~30 seconds9
1017UnrestCourtyard Area15+~5 minutes10
1115Upper GukHeart Spiders6-10~13.5 minutes6
1117Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west tunnel, entrance area15+~14.5 minutes3
1119South RoCrocs/Caiamans @ docks15+~ 2-3 minutes9
1215South RoOrc Camps, random level 20 orc warrior roams15+~ 5 minutes6
1217Rathe MountainsOrcs/Lizardmen/Basilisks15+~5 minutes5
1218BefallenJump in the pit 2nd door on right, and go through fake wall15+~ 8 minutes7
1218CrushboneCastle Area with Emperor Crush6-10~8 minutes8
1224The WarrensWestern Side toward Stonebrunt Entrance Kobalds/Bats15+~5 minutes4
1317North KaranaSmall undead area southeast zone1-5~11 minutes1
1317Stonebrunt MountainsSouth Southwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes4
1318Highpass HoldOrcs at southern entrance6-10~13.5 minutes5
1416Lake RathetearGnolls with a named spawn6-10~2.5 minutes4
1418Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Middle Circular Layer15+~16 minutes8
1419Highpass HoldSmugglers jump off bridge and use under water tunnel11-15~13.5 minutes1
1420Ocean of TearsGoblin Island in South East15+~16 minutes4
1519Upper GukSouth of Priest area basic frogloks11-15~13.5 minutes6
1620Upper GukFroglok Scryer area6-10~13.5 minutes6
1622Toxxulia ForestKerra in the far west, the Northwestern sector in more15+~14.5 minutes1
1625Permafrost KeepIce Goblins, slow respawn15+~16 minutes7
1625Unrest1st Floor Center of Castle15+~16 minutes9
1722Stonebrunt MountainsSouthwest Kobold Camp15+~5 minutes4
1723South KaranaCentaur Village North East11-15~5 minutes3
1724Runnyeye CitadelGoblins/Sporali, lots of roamers15+~13.5 minutes5
1725Upper GukFroglok Priest and area north15+~13.5 minutes7
1727Stonebrunt MountainsKejekan Village, North Central Map, Some 32s15+~13 minutes5
1820Eastern KaranaCraig Spiders in field15+~5 minutes9
1820Ocean of TearsSkeleton Island, 0, -550015+~16 minutes8
1821Stonebrunt MountainsEast Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes5
1923Castle MistmooreEntrance and tunnels up to Graveyard11-15~20.5 minutes10
1924Sol ABridge up to room in North to Predator/Foreman15+~16.5 minutes10
1925West KaranaOgre Camp in middle of zone, Chief is level 346-10~14 minutes1
1929Upper GukFroglok Shinlord/Necromancer camp11-15~13.5 minutes10
1932The FeerrottMini Lizard Temples, high mob is 32 15+~10 minutes6
2026Ocean of TearsGoblin Island West of Port In, 2500,-550015+~16 minutes6
2029Highpass HoldsGuards at south or north side6-10~13.5 minutes7
2123Ocean of TearsFar West Aviak Island Center of Island15+~16 minutes7
2124Everfrost PeaksGiant Wooly Spiders6-10~11 minutes5
2224LavastormTwo fire goblin camps near each other south side of lava11-15~8.5 minutes2
2224Stonebrunt MountainsNorth Northeast Kobold Camp (high level wanders near)6-10~5 minutes2
2229Upper GukNokta Shaman area and east15+~13.5 minutes8
2233High KeepGuards through zone if you don't care about faction15+~20 minutes8
2233High KeepGoblins in basement, top level 22-25, bottom up to 3315+~10 minutes9
2327Sol AInferno Goblin Captain in very north and area15+~16.5 minutes8
2426Lavastorm2 small camps of shadowmen near each other6-10~8.5 minutes1
2426Lesser FaydarkFaerie Guards1-5~14.5 minutes1
2428Sol ABartender Room and surrounding to south and then east15+~16.5 minutes10
2526Lesser FaydarkSmall Shadowed Men Camp, South East1-5~5 minutes1
2528South KaranaGnolls outside Splitpaw, 39 named can spawn15+~5 minutes7
2528Stonebrunt MountainsNorthwest Kobold Camp6-10~5 minutes1
2530UnrestFireplace up Stairs15+~16 minutes9
2531LavastormBasilisks, Drakes, Etc north western area by tunnels11-15~8.5 minutes7
2535UnrestBasement Area through hidden door15+~16 minutes9
2631Sol AGoblin high Shaman very south and prison area6-10~16.5 minutes9
2633Castle MistmooreGraveyard + fake wall theres a level 40 in bottom room11-15~20.5 minutes10
2730Sol AKing Room in southwest6-10~16.5 minutes10
2734Lower GukBedroom with Frogloks,skeletons,bats,spiders15+~26 minutes10
2832Sol ACaptain Bigpnubble Gnome area in far east area15+~16.5 minutes7
2832Sol ALava elemental gnome area North east15+~16.5 minutes7
2934Castle MistmooreCastle Entrance and surrounding11-15~20.5 minutes9
2939Castle MistmooreInside Castle Room for more than one regular group15+~20.5 minutes10
3042Lower GukCrusader area15+~26 minutes9
3236Rathe MountainsHill Giants / Cyclops NE area6-10~3-7 minutes10
3335Sol BPool Room to North no named11-15~19 minutes8
3336South RoDeepwater Goblins6-10~4 minutes4
3337South RoSpectres6-10~13.5 minutes6
3338Sol BNoble Camp from entrance or off to left6-10~19 minutes9
3437Ocean of TearsSpectres in middle of Skeleton Island6-10~16 minutes5
3438Lower GukAssassin/executioner Area15+~26 minutes10
3442Sol BKobalt King/Priest/Champion rooms6-10~19 minutes10
3443Lower GukFrenzy/Sentinel Area15+~26 minutes10
3649Lower GukHerbalist/King Area15+~26 minutes9
3841The HoleEntrance out to bridge room11-15~17 minutes9
3842Ocean of TearsCyclops Island, 2000, -400015+~16 minutes10
3842The HoleRats in Cellars (named are higher level)11-15~17 minutes9
3844Sol BBats, Beetles, and Spiders in the caves to south11-15~19 minutes8
3947Lower GukArch Mage/Ghould Lord area11-15~26 minutes9
4248Ocean of TearsElite Goblin Island, South Center part of zone15+~10 minutes10
4250Sol BEfreeti Lord Camp and guardians to west6-10~19 minutes10
4551The HoleThe Docks and outward15+~17 minutes10
4551The HoleSword 1/Pond Area15+~17 minutes10
5560The HoleUndead Towers15+~17 minutes10
3337The FeerotSpectures SW Corner1-5~10 minutes5

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Luclin Power Leveling Guide 1-60 https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/luclin-power-leveling-guide-1-60/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/luclin-power-leveling-guide-1-60/#comments Fri, 05 Aug 2022 02:56:48 +0000 https://www.almostgaming.com/?p=2195 Luclin brings some exciting stuff to power leveling and is really for me where real power leveling starts. With the addition of better gear and Alternate Advancement points there starts to become...

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Luclin brings some exciting stuff to power leveling and is really for me where real power leveling starts. With the addition of better gear and Alternate Advancement points there starts to become a bigger gap in strength between Raid Geared characters with max AA and regular ass mobs you’re going to power level on. This simply translates into bigger pulls and more survivability which means we also need to focus on big daddy zones.

With the addition of Luclin on the TLP you will also get access to some amazing zones for power leveling: Paludal Caverns, Twilight Sea, Grimling Forest, and Griegs End. Some of these zones will be a staple in the power leveling diet for a few expansions to come.

As usual I need to make sure you understand that this is a POWERLEVELING guide and is not designed for grouping or assisted leveling although you may do well in these zones with that. This guide is designed for pulling a very large part of the zone all at once. 

Power leveling is considered at a minimum an out of Group Damage Shield and Mob Control by at least 3-6 max level characters and extends all the way to the normal 3-5 chain enchanter stun power leveling you see being typically sold or offered in game.

Paludal Caverns Levels 1-15

While Unrest is still a good zone we finally have a replacement in Luclin for it. Paludal Caverns will remain the go to zone for early levels for a few more expansions. 

You will take your level 1 character to the southern part of the zone and do levels 1-8. The way you want to do Paludal Caverns is being mobile and moving around as you power level. This can be achieved by just putting everyone on follow as you gather up all the mobs on your high level characters, once you have enough then you stop and kill them off and repeat.

At about level 8 you can move north into the middle areas in purple and you can basically just keep pulling through the tunnels and around the lakes, gathering up a good chunk of mobs and then stopping and killing them, the respawn time is decent so you may not be able to get very far before respawns.

You can actually continue on up north into the yellow area and get level 20 if you want. I find that somewhere between level 15 and 20 I tend to get bored and want to move onto the next area so that’s a call you’ll have to make.

Solusek A Levels 15-25

There are just not a lot of zones at this level you can cleanly pull this many mobs back to a spot and destroy so Sol A remains as the go to for level 15-25 but can be taken up to level 30 for sure.

When you enter at 15 your main focus will be bringing down the North area, if you can’t do it in one pull then you can separate it into 2 or 3 as you see fit. Once you are consistently downing the north you can begin to pull all of the south back to the red X.

Make sure to avoid the yellow X’s they are zone outs.

Grimling Forest Levels 25-43

This zone will seem like the exp is slowing down but with the quantity of mobs available and the fast respawns it’s actually pretty decent once you get the pulls down.

The biggest problem with Grimling Forest is there are soothsayers and other healing type mobs that just won’t die easily off damage shields and there’s usually 1 sometimes 2 per camp or room. 

What you’ll want to do here is take the high level you’re pulling with and just kill those casters with it when you run into the camp to pull and forget about the exp for that mob. They’re just a pain so as I run into pull I just target them and kill them with the high levels.

The zone I have listed as going to level 43 but that’s because at 43 you can group with a 65. During this era you can freely leave once you hit 40 because a 40 can group with a 60. 

I normally finish off my power leveling by grouping my level 40 with my highest dps level 60 so it’s a 2 man group and then I keep everyone else out of group so that my 2 man group out damages everyone and gets exp for the kill and I just go to town dpsing the mobs with all my characters.

When you arrive at 25 there’s really only a few rotations you can keep down because respawns are so fast you can go north and do those 3 camps but there’s a river you run across so you’ll lose mounts. You can pull the first two camps to the third and kill them all there or you can kill each camp and move, that depends on your power.

The south camps don’t have a river between so you can roam between those 5 doing the same thing. Once you are level 32ish you can move up into the tunnels where you will be able to also pull a room at a time back to a spot you set up or continue moving and killing in each room.

I tend to set up in the southeast area of the tunnels and pull each room back to that spot but whatever you can get to work is fine.

Grieg’s End Levels 40-60

Unless you have a pretty powerful setup or you’re grouping your low level character with a high level one, I would not come here at 40 as the mobs will be too high to really do any AoE magic damage on. I would stick to Grimling or an Alt zone until you’re higher if you’re coming here with a weak power leveling setup.

Grieg’s End layout is so simple, the east and west are the lower areas where you will start power leveling and then the entire center is 55 plus where you’ll end up as your character your power leveling gains levels. If you’re grouping with a max level character you’ll want to try to hit up the 55+ area for more exp.

This zone may be packed in era and is a really good assisted or group leveling zone so if you can’t seem to get a spot or enough mobs you may have to use an alternate.

Alternate Twilight Sea Levels 15-35

This is a pretty solid zone with a big level range but it will also be one of the main leveling spots for regular ass people. However if you can get any of these spots in the zone to yourself in a pick that would be a pretty optimal setup because you can stay in this zone for quite awhile without having to switch.

The starting area is the center island with the elementals. There are plenty of mobs to do a decent size pull so you could stay here till 25.

Then you move south to the island with the shades and do levels 25-35. I think the mob range there is like 29-37, there are less mobs but still a nice peaceful portion to pull, but you can move way north at 30 if you’re not digging it.

Go through the underwater tunnel in the north and there are an assload of mobs up here so you could set up anywhere and run around and gather them. This area would be good for 30-40 but you can also leave at 35 to go to other places.

Alternate Tower of Frozen Shadow Levels 20-35

When Luclin comes out this area may be starting to be more vacant or it may already be occupied by people playing leveling catch up. It’s a good alternate zone from 20-35. The good floors for power leveling are colored and remember you still need to gather one key per group to go up to the next floor, make sure your entire group is by the click up spot or you’ll leave people behind and it will get annoying.

Alternate Castle Mistmoore Levels 20-35

This zone should be starting to clear out and will probably only be people power leveling at this point in the game. The benefit is now you’ll be able to pull most of the castle at once with AA and max level characters with raid gear so it will make your power leveling life easier.

Setup at either of the Red X’s or anywhere you’d like near the keep and just go to town.

Alternate City of Mist Levels 30-45

This zone is usually empty at this point and I left it in for an alternate for these levels as you’ll also be able to pull a lot more mobs at once here. The map is split into 3 pulling areas, you can move to the Red X in each one or just train yourself wherever you’d like. 

The mobs have half health, hit twice as hard, and give half the experience; but because they die so fast and there are so many it makes up for it.

Alternate Velketor’s Lab Levels 40-60

This area may clear out a bit more too as Grieg’s End is seriously such a good group leveling zone to 60 so you may finally be able to train yourself at the entrance here. If you end up grouping your level 40+ with a 60 you can also move into the zone more and just lay waste to the castle area up till 60. The character you’re grouping your low level with can work on AA exp at the same time.

Alternate Chardok Levels 40-60

This may turn into a nice quiet spot to level to 60 and not only will you be able to power level on the mini castle near the zone in but you’ll also be able to move down and pull packs of 5-10 or more at a time if you can handle it.

However, if you group your lower level with a 60 that does the most dps you can just have everyone else ungrouped and beat on the mob and get all the exp between the two grouped characters which is still really fast.

For example, if you have 6 monks outside of a group and you group your low level with the highest dps monk while leaving the other 5 monks solo and ungrouped. You can use this setup to beat on the mobs coming in with everyone and as long as your 2 man group of the low level character and the highest dps monk out dps each of the other monks individually you’ll get full exp.

Because I have so many characters I usually make a full 6 man group consisting of characters I’m power leveling or characters that need to work on AA and because I kill so fast it’s like assisted leveling to the max.

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Velious Power Leveling Guide 1-60 https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/velious-power-leveling-guide-1-60/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/velious-power-leveling-guide-1-60/#respond Mon, 01 Aug 2022 15:50:13 +0000 https://www.almostgaming.com/?p=2187 Velious releasing on the TLPs doesn’t bring a whole lot of new and exciting stuff as far as power leveling but we do get to add some awesome zones to the list....

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Velious releasing on the TLPs doesn’t bring a whole lot of new and exciting stuff as far as power leveling but we do get to add some awesome zones to the list. In addition to this, the gear slightly improves on your high level characters in this expansion so it should make the early on power leveling slightly easier.

The two new zones added to the list will be the Tower of Frozen Shadow and Velketor’s Labyrinth. In this era, these will be heavily camped as they are also very good assisted / group leveling zones. This may make the Kunark zones more appealing as they will be desolate which can be a good thing to avoid attention if you’re running a bunch of characters yourself.

I have removed Howling Stones, it is still a good spot to level but with the addition of another level 40-60 power level zone and the fact it still needs a key, it has been removed from Velious Era Power Leveling.

Remember, power leveling is not group or assisted leveling, it is POWER leveling meaning you will likely have at least 3 or more max level characters helping you pull a very very large portion of the zone at once. There are better zones to level or assisted level in, these are only zones that can support a massive quantity of mobs. If you’re only needing to clear a rotation of 10 or so mobs before respawn then this is not the type of guide you should be looking for although you will still do well in these zones having that weak of a setup.

Unrest Levels 1-15

Remaining unbeatable into Velious, Unrest is where you’ll spend your first 15 levels in the Courtyard for your power leveling fun. It is possible to start pulling stuff from inside the Keep out to the courtyard pull spot and getting to level 20 or so or move right into the Keep if you hate moving.

By now we are used to this zone for power leveling, you can park against the wall anywhere or use my spot where the Red X is and just gather up the entirety of the yellow area and pull it back, kill, and repeat.

Solusek A Levels 15-25

Another classic power leveling zone that could be milked up till about 30 but I leave at 25. I’ve broken the zone into two pulls (north and south) if you’re not strong enough to do each area in one pull then try breaking it into two pulls for each side as you see fit.

I setup where the Red X is, be careful where the Yellow X’s are, that is a zone out and if you’re in a big pull you will zone out and have to redo your pull over. I’ve had the entire North chasing me only to accidentally make a wrong turn into the Yellow X and zone out.

Lower Guk Levels 25-40

Another classic zone, this one can be taken up to 45 if you decide you don’t want to move somewhere else and set up again.

When you first arrive it makes sense to set up in the yellow area either in the Tunnels or by the Frenzy area in the east and as you get above level 30 you can move to purple and by 35 pulling both purple and red areas.

Velketors Labyrinth Levels 40-60

A new primary path AoE leveling spot is in Velks Lab, however because it’s in era with Velious just coming out you will be stuck power leveling in the middle of the night if you can get your own pick as it will probably be heavily camped. 

This may make the alternate in Chardok even more appealing as people won’t be leveling to 60 as much in that zone.

You won’t need to go any further than the zone in to pull, I promise there are a lot more mobs than this, someone was power leveling already when I got there so some are dead. This can be tricky to pull but there are ramps that lead up and up and up and you want to try to make it to the top and pull everything down to the bottom. It may take some power to do the entirety of the ramps in one pull as mobs are 45-50 but it’s such a good spot.

The rest of the zone is really good for assisted or group leveling to 60 as well but being that the max level is 60 and there is no Alternate Advancement in the game AoE’ing the higher areas of the zone will be challenging without the mega chi enchanter stun rotations.

Level 20-35 Alternates

In Velious era we get two excellent power leveling spots with the addition of the Tower of Frozen Shadow, however, like Velks Lab, people will most likely be leveling in Tower of Frozen Shadow in regular groups so you’re power leveling will rely on getting to the hot spot in a pick during contested hours or trying to Power Level in the off peak hours.

Alternate Tower of Frozen Shadow Levels 20-35

This is one zone where I feel the need to remind you that this is a Power Leveling Guide, not a leveling or assisted leveling guide. If you come here at level 20 without proper setup you will get your dick kicked in and have a bad time.

Most power levelers tend to avoid the Tower of Frozen Shadow because it requires a key per group to click up to the next level. The keys are not hard to get by any means but it does add another time sink in addition to just blasting your characters to max level.

The popular floors for power leveling are 2, 5, and 6. You can do it on other floors but there are so many traps and fake walls and floors that it might get annoying if you don’t learn the zone.

You can easily do this zone up till 40-45 and you will want to do just that unless you intend to head to Lower Guk after instead of the 40-60 power level zones.

Obviously where level 2 is easy to get to and where I start at level 20. I will point out there is a lot of charm and other random dumbness on this level so it does cause problems doing Damage Shield Power leveling as your low level characters may get charmed while stuff is dying and get no exp which is why I also recommend power leveling more than one character in a group and having the other character do some type of backup damage if you are coming here.

Alternate Castle Mistmoore Levels 20-35

Castle Mistmoore can be done till 40 in the keep if you are not wanting to go back to Lower Guk or City of Mist Alternate after. Nothing has changed here since Ruins of Kunark except your max level characters should have slightly better gear making this easier to power level in the Keep.

The two red X’s mark potential setup locations. Pull as much as you can at once or split it into two pulls.

Alternate City of Mist Levels 30-45

A perfect alternate for AoE Power leveling via Damage Shields, these mobs all have half health and as long as you can take the hard hits they punch out you can wipe a lot of this zone quickly in one big pull. I’ve split it into three pull zones, with the first white zone being able to be split into two separate pulls of North and South or 3 separate pulls if you do just the North, The Middle, and then the South.

Alternate The Hole Levels 35-50

With the removal of Howling Stones, I didn’t list The Hole in the path graphic above but it is still a viable alternate to go from 35-50, in fact The Hole is actually relatively popular for the big daddy power levelers that use chain stuns to power level.

The golems always tend to be a problem here as they have massive hp and hit semi hard but you could farm the entrance from 35-40 and then if you have a level 60 enchanter you could literally group them with the character your power leveling and just charm a golem and smash stuff or you could add them to the group with any level 60s and still get decent exp.

Alternate Chardok Levels 40-60

While this is labeled as an alternative because Velks Lab is better to me, this may very well become the primary 40-60 area on high population servers as people rush to the new zones. 

The main power level spot is in front of the mini castle pulling both zone in and zone out hallways as well as all of the castle in a single pull.  You can make your way toward the bridge keeper but you’ll probably still be looking at assisted leveling or regular group leveling at that point, remember a level 40 can group with a level 60 so you could just throw your low level characters into the group or group it with your highest dps and just lay waste to everything to do some assisted leveling.

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Ruins of Kunark Leveling Guide 1-60 https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/ruins-of-kunark-leveling-guide-1-60/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/ruins-of-kunark-leveling-guide-1-60/#respond Thu, 28 Jul 2022 23:15:38 +0000 https://www.almostgaming.com/?p=2183 When Kunark comes out on the TLPs the level cap is moved to 60. This creates a lot more alternate paths but honestly there’s still just one main path. I threw in...

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When Kunark comes out on the TLPs the level cap is moved to 60. This creates a lot more alternate paths but honestly there’s still just one main path. I threw in these alternate paths in case you get bored or want to try something different.

Per usual, this is a POWER leveling guide, not an assisted or regular leveling guide. Pulls will be in mass (normally 20 or more per pull) up until we get too high then you can use this guide as assisted leveling.

Assisted leveling is when you have maybe a druid or high level character helping you out. Power Leveling is full force leveling with many max level characters all the way to the point of having the full enchanter stun rotation (3-5 enchanters).

If you’re looking for places to hunt with a friend assisting you, there are a lot better places as you’ll be able to get by with smaller pulls and less mobs, but for those of us here to hit 60 as fast as possible in power level format, this guides for you.

Unrest Levels 1-15

Unrest is still one of the best zones to go from 1-15 rapidly, even in Kunark. Nothing has changed from the classic guide, you park along the wall anywhere, I prefer the red X area and you pull all of the mobs in the yellow area, and I do mean all of them, back to the Red X, kill and repeat.

Solusek A Levels 15-25

I park my characters by the Red X which is kind of the halfway point between the North and South areas. I then pull the North all in one pull, and then I pull the South all in one Pull. If your puller is weak you can pull the North and South in 2 pulls each. If you’re just starting out here at level 15, it is more important to pull the North first as the mobs will be slightly lower level making it easier for the character you’re power leveling to land some type of AE Damage.

Be careful not to enter the area with the Yellow X while you are pulling it will zone you out which will reset your entire pull and you’ll have to start over.

Lower Guk Levels 25-40

Lower Guk is still an awesome zone because you can stay here from 25 up until 45 if you want, and if you are a professional power leveler you know that moving around too much can really slow down your power leveling.

When you get here at level 25 you’ll most likely want to roam or pull the cave area in yellow or hit up one of the awesome camp areas that are usually farmed in classic pretty intensely. Spots you can setup at are marked with a Red X, remember you’re not just farming rare mobs you’re pulling as much stuff as you can get to all at once so if you’re in the Red X on the east side you may end up pulling the PHs for many rare mobs to that location.

Once you get around 30 you can move to the Crusader area and train the entire thing on yourself which can then be followed up by training everything from up to the King room back also on yourself. 

Always be cautious pulling the King room. Sometimes if you’re characters are not powerful enough they can actually do some damage to higher levels.

Alternate Castle Mistmoore Levels 20-35

If you come here at 25 you might be stuck pulling the entrance and paths up to the castle as the mobs in the castle can get up to 37, but if you’ve got big balls go ahead and head right to the castle anyways at 25. You could stay here till about 40, but it starts to die down around 35.

Alternate City of Mist Levels 30-45

City of Mist used to be the place to level back in the day before it got permanently revamped. Now it’s misunderstood. The experience per kill is absolute trash (about half as much as other zones) but what a lot of people don’t realize is the actual hitpoints per mob mirrors the exp (about as half as much hp compared to other mobs of equal level).

This means that the mobs will die faster. It also means they hit a little harder than normal mobs. However, you can literally lay waste to one massive mega entire zone pull if you can survive the onslaught. 

For those that can’t, I’ve broken this into 4 zones marked 1-4 on the map. 

As you enter the zone in the 30s , it’s typically best to stay toward the front in the white area. If you can pull all of the white area at once to the entrance or to any of the red X’s in the white shaded area that would be optimal however you can setup at any of the X’s and pull the North side of the white “the temple” in one pull and then go to the South side “the stables” and pull that in a second pull.

As you progress through the zone I’ve drawn red X’s on the map where you can set up in both the green and blue areas. If your team is not too bad to move and set up and you have the entire zone to yourself you can simply kill the whole white area, move to the X in the Green area, kill, and then move to the X in the purple area, kill, and then back to the entrance to redo it.

This zone can be used to destroy light blues all the way to level 60 so you don’t have to leave if you’re AoE Power Leveling.

Alternate Howling Stones Levels 35-50

Howling Stones is one of the absolute best zones to power level in, it’s a bit confusing at first but once you figure it out you can train the crap out of mobs for exp. Most people avoid it, especially power levelers, because getting the key does take time and any amount of time is levels lost even to an area that’s slower in leveling.

Because of the fake walls and random drops to the basement from fake carpets you’ll absolutely want to learn your way through this zone and you’ll also want a strong team. Corpse runs are not easy as you’ll be attacked upon zone in.

If you’re team is not powerful and you want to come here I would wait until 40 so you’re closer to the entrance mob levels, I don’t have any particular recommendation for this zone but it is best to start in the west and north wings as you go east and south the mobs will get higher level. I recommend you clear a wing at a time.

Chardok Levels 40-60

Chardok is a zone that you’ll find a lot of people just leveling to 60 in, needless to say at the Kunark level the idea of power leveling in this zone starts to look more like smaller AoE pulls and assisted leveling once you get into the 50s. However the entrance and the beginning mini castle area are a good place to train a good 20-30 mobs, if you need to train those 5-10 at a time then that’s what you need to do, I won’t judge you.

As you get up in levels going down by the bridgekeeper or the vault/bank will also net you a good 20+ mobs but they will start to get into the 50s rather quickly, so it might turn into assisted leveling and chain pulls in the Kunark Era.

You won’t really be able to do much power leveling in the other higher areas of Chardok as mobs start to go beyond level 55, however, also keep in mind you can stay in some of the Alternates like City of Mist and AoE power level there or move to the higher level camps in LGUK and do the same.

There is no shames in killing light blues in mass, in fact, that’s how most of the power leveling is done to get to max level as we advance through these expansions.

I’ve marked the beginning / mini castle area in Green, it is hard to see because of the multiple levels and layers in this zone but basically from the zone in if you continue down the tunnel you’ll see the entrance to the mini castle and you’ll pull the castle and both the tunnels to that area in any way you see fit.

If you go into the levitation tunnel that’s near the mini castle you can follow that down to where the bridgekeeper sits / slave area and pick a spot in there to pull to as well. Later in the game once we start getting AA or during Planes of Power this zone can be used more appropriately for AoE Leveling.

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Everquest Classic Power Leveling Guide 1-50 https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-classic-power-leveling-guide-1-50/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/everquest-classic-power-leveling-guide-1-50/#comments Sat, 23 Jul 2022 04:20:20 +0000 https://www.almostgaming.com/?p=2175 This is not a leveling guide, this is a power leveling guide which means the paths below are best used for massive pulls that sometimes consist of pulling an entire area or...

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This is not a leveling guide, this is a power leveling guide which means the paths below are best used for massive pulls that sometimes consist of pulling an entire area or zone all at once. If you’re looking for hunting recommendations for regular or assisted leveling then check out my EQ Classic Leveling Guide.

This guide’s intended purpose is to use a lot of extra firepower to level to max level as fast as humanly possible. The goal is to be able to go to an area or zone and stay there as long as possible while still having access to Red Con mobs(most exp per kill) most of the way through.

Unrest Levels 1-15

The courtyard can be done till about level 15 but then if you stay you’ll want to go inside, you can easily take Unrest into the 30s if you go into the basement area but it becomes more inefficient to power level as you gain levels past 15 due to the limited numbers of enemies.

I typically set up on the wall where the big X is, and the goal is to pull all of the yellow area in a single pull back to the X, kill and repeat. If you’re powerful enough you may have to pull some of the mobs from inside the castle as well.

Solusek A Levels 15-30

Solusek A is kind of broken into two different parts. The north goblin area is somewhat easier than going south. Your group should be strong enough to do both, however I break this into two separate pulls, one all of the north and one all of the south and I set up and pull back to the big red X on the map.

One thing you do need to be careful of is taking a wrong turn and accidentally zoning into Sol B which will cause you to have to start your pull all over again. The areas you can accidentally zone out of are marked with a smaller yellow X.

The north pull in a greenish color ranges from about level 19-28 except for rare mob spawns.

The south pull in blueish color ranges from about level 23-30.

I leave at 25 but it is not all that bad staying till 30.

Castle Mistmoore Levels 25-40

This zone works best if you can head right into the castle because there are a lot of mobs there, however if you train from the zone up to the castle you can pick up a decent amount as well.

The castle is mainly 28-37 so if you come here at 25-30 you should head right to the castle area. This is an alternative path so I don’t typically do this zone unless Lower Guk is packed but with the game allowing multiple instances (picks) of each zone you can usually find the camp you want in lguk.

The biggest part about doing the castle is that sometimes you get lost trying to bring the mobs all back to your party, either of the two X’s work fine since you’re pulling the entire castle in one pull, if the entire castle is too much for your group try pulling the east side and west side in different pulls or figure out something that works for you.

Lower Guk Levels 25-45

Depending on what your setup is and how many characters you’re power leveling, once you hit 33 you can group with 50s and at this point in the game the power level may just turn into some assisted group leveling with higher levels and your pull quantity will become smaller and smaller unless you’re using a chain stun setup with enchanters.

For the lower levels in Guk you can set up at either of the red X’s in the yellow area however I tend to put everyone on follow and slowly gather up mobs by running through caves or camps, once I have gathered enough I will stop and kill them all.

Once you reach into your 30s you can do the Crusader Area and at 35 you can also add the King to that pull as well, however, the King is level 47 and in this era the max level is 50. The room the King is in has 4 other adds so make sure your group can handle pulling the very southern area or your power level could easily turn into a wipe.

The Hole Levels 33-50

The Hole in classic won’t be so much of a power level location unless you’re using the chain stun enchanter setup. It’s marked at 33 because at level 33 you can group with 50s. The best way to level without the chain stun setup is to go into here and destroy shit while being grouped with a level 50. 

The best way to achieve this is to group your character with just a single level 50 that can 100% of the time out dps everyone else outside of the group. If you are dps’ing outside of the group you must leave all those players ungrouped so they don’t out dps the group you want to get exp. 

With this setup you can have 50 people outside the group beating on the mobs individually as long as the group you form with the character you’re leveling out dps’es all of them individually you’ll get full exp.

The most exp per kill with this setup will be gained by a duo. Take your highest dps level 50 and group it with your low level and go to town. 

If you are using an enchanter Charm to group with this low level, be aware that if your charm breaks the dps you did to any alive mobs will reset and you won’t get credit. For example, if you kill 99.9% of a mob with the enchanter pet and it breaks before the last hit, whoever does the most damage of that remaining .1% will get full exp.

The entrance camp is normally 38-40ish, however if you do run into a golem it will be 47-51 ish and can be hard to kill.

Both the sword and docks are good camps. I prefer the safety of the docks you can pull into that greenish blue area all you want, if you can pull more than that there’s plenty to both sides, but it’s a relatively safe camp that you usually don’t get trained at and you can camp out where the X is.

If you have any other suggestions for Classic Era Power Leveling (not assisted leveling or hunting spots) then please leave them in the comments for others to also consider. Some of these spots are talked about in my power leveling video as well.

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What is Power Leveling in EverQuest? https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/what-is-power-leveling-in-everquest/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-leveling/what-is-power-leveling-in-everquest/#respond Sun, 17 Jul 2022 02:56:13 +0000 https://www.almostgaming.com/?p=2148 Power Leveling is achieved when you reach a near maximum possible experience per hour given the current era of expansion, available gear, and level caps.  It is most commonly achieved through the...

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Power Leveling is achieved when you reach a near maximum possible experience per hour given the current era of expansion, available gear, and level caps.  It is most commonly achieved through the use of a stun rotation by 3-5 enchanters and a puller that is either really fast or is a paladin or cleric with some type of invulnerability spell.

The puller will gather up a very large quantity of mobs, usually 1/3rd to the entire zone in a single pull, drag them into the stun radius, and the mobs will become permanently stunned. 

All that’s left is for a bard or an aoe class inside of the exp group to do damage to these permanently stunned enemies, then when they all die off, the group or character receiving the exp will generally gain a massive quantity of experience, sometimes more than a level for each pull. 

Once the entire zone or large area is down, it is done again once mobs respawn.  This is the most common form of power leveling done especially when you buy into power leveling services on the TLP servers.

There is another form of power leveling setup that can also be done to achieve very near the leveling speed to the above option.

The second option is done in a similar way however it features a near full group of high level characters that will use aoe threat and damage shields in combination with heals to keep the aggro away from the characters/group that is receiving the experience.

The characters getting the exp in this setup must be outside of the group and must do at least 1 point of damage to all of the enemies to get credit / exp for each kill. It is wise to use very low level AoEs that will not do a lot of damage and possibly cause aggro.

It is possible to do the second option with fewer characters in a group in the beginning levels but as you go up in higher levels it is recommended to have the near full group.

This power level group consists of these characters in order of most important to least important.

  1. Druid – For this to work you will need your group damage shields to be as high as possible, using a mage for this is not really acceptable because a druid also has regen buffs and can heal.
  2. Paladin – It is possible to do power leveling with just a druid and paladin at the beginning levels somewhat efficiently, the paladin has group and single heals and is also able to taunt / take a lot of damage being a tank. You will pull large quantities of enemies with the paladin and then self-heal / heal with the druid to bounce the aggro back and forth between the two while the enemies take damage from the damage shield. The heals should keep enough aggro to allow enough low level AoE damage to be used from the characters/group receiving the exp. The biggest benefit however, is the Paladin is able to resurrect. From time to time the characters you are power leveling will die from something stupid and nothing kills power leveling like having to run a low level character back to the leveling spot.
  3. Bard – Bard can use AoE slow/snare to help maintain aggro and crowd control over a large group of enemies. It can also be used to increase the group damage shield and armor so the group can pull more enemies. It also is beneficial to have AoE Health/Mana regen going to limit downtime.
  4. Enchanter/Cleric/Shaman – these next 3 classes aren’t really necessary until you’re training all of the zone on yourself and are actually taking some damage but they do help. I prefer the Enchanter as my fourth because it not only has mana buffs but it can use Wind of Tashania to AoE Debuff and aggro the enemies. This is extremely helpful if the character casting AoE damage outside of the power leveling group is significantly lower in level than the mobs you’re pulling and using magic based aoe damage spells (wizard,bard,cleric, etc). 
    1. Cleric is also very helpful because of the massive hp buffs, group heals, and resurrections.
    2. Shamans are very useful because you could use AoE Slow, but just having the backup heals and extra buffs and Torpor line of spells will help a lot.

Depending on what expansion the TLP is in, there will come a point where the out of group characters can level with a max level character and that’s normally where the power leveling stops in the second option, although you could continue in that fashion it won’t really be true “power” leveling but instead something called “assisted” leveling.

Assisted leveling is what most people end up confusing power leveling with.

Assisted level is leveling with a slight to moderate advantage. This could be in the form of catching high end buffs, out of group players doing dps or healing, potions, and/or damage shields.

Even twinking your character’s gear beyond what the average player would have at that level can be a form of assisted leveling.

Assisted leveling is often called “power leveling” in game, especially by solo druids offering to buff, damage shield, and heal you out of group, but it is far from power leveling. 

Note: It is possible to meet the criteria of power leveling in the very beginning levels 1-30 with a single druid if that druid is able to pull a large portion of a zone and uses its damage shields and self heals to stay alive while an outside group or character lays any type of damage to it. But it will be noticeably slower than any of the actual power leveling methods discussed above.

There are very few zones or areas that can support true power leveling that’s why if anyone starts recommending zones different from the common paths in the video below, they are basically saying they’ve never actually power leveled.

Zones that can support power leveling require a high density of mobs (50 or more) in a very close proximity and a setup that can handle a pull that large with ease.

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