Everquest Videos Archives - Everquest Progression Server Leveling https://www.everquestguides.com/category/everquest-videos/ Everquest Progression Server Leveling Guides Mon, 15 Aug 2022 00:19:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.everquestguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-R.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Everquest Videos Archives - Everquest Progression Server Leveling https://www.everquestguides.com/category/everquest-videos/ 32 32 214937748 Should I Solo or Group on EQ TLP Server? https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/should-i-solo-or-group-on-eq-tlp-server/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/should-i-solo-or-group-on-eq-tlp-server/#respond Mon, 15 Aug 2022 00:17:08 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2240 This video used data collected from hours of testing on when you should group or solo and if you group how big of a group should you make. Figure out the fastest...

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This video used data collected from hours of testing on when you should group or solo and if you group how big of a group should you make.

Figure out the fastest way you can get experience in your setup. You’ll learn things like how 5 characters in a group is actually less experience than having 6 as well as some creative ways to use this information.

You don’t have to box an insane number of characters like I do to use this information. I was able to rapidly collect this data because I box so many characters so that others who don’t want to or can’t can benefit from the data without having to guess.

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Best Level to Grind AA on Everquest Progression Servers https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/best-level-to-grind-aa-on-everquest-progression-servers/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/best-level-to-grind-aa-on-everquest-progression-servers/#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2022 19:07:44 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2236 In this video I set out into the field to gather countless hours of experience data to determine what level you get the most AA exp per kill from when the max...

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In this video I set out into the field to gather countless hours of experience data to determine what level you get the most AA exp per kill from when the max level of the Progression Server is Level 65.

To do this I eliminated every variable except the level of the character I was testing. I was able to gather experience data from level 51 to 65 while killing the exact same level mobs in the exact same zone to come up with ratios and eliminate all possible variables from zone experience modifiers or killing mobs higher or lower level.

The results are that no matter where you decide to level at you can expect consistent results and you can expect the exact same results I got if you use the areas I tested in the video.

The reason I conducted this test is because I’ve always heard people tell me to stop at level 51 and knock out a bunch of AA because it’s the fastest. Not only did I find this to be not true, but it was actually the worst point to gather AA if you are power leveling in a group damage shield format or playing in a group.

If you paid for power leveling services or you are being power leveled solo your results may vary. This was tested assuming the mobs would always con red to the character you are power leveling.

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How to Power Level on an Everquest Progression Server https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/how-to-power-level-on-an-everquest-progression-server/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/how-to-power-level-on-an-everquest-progression-server/#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2022 18:49:51 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2232 This video features zone paths and routes for power leveling on the Everquest Time Locked Progression Servers from Classic (50) era up through Gates of Discord (65). This power leveling method makes...

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This video features zone paths and routes for power leveling on the Everquest Time Locked Progression Servers from Classic (50) era up through Gates of Discord (65). This power leveling method makes use of many high-level characters but characters that could be part of your regular multi-box for grouping and leveling.

This means that although the chain Enchanter Stun power leveling method will work for all those areas exceptionally well, we are not going to require you to box multiple enchanters to power level and instead you’ll be able to keep an array of characters as long as you have a damage shield coming from preferably a druid.

While most people don’t keep Druids in their 6 or 12 box groups as a regular, I do highly recommend picking up a 7th or 13th account and maxing a Druid just for the sake of bringing up new characters or changing your DPS setup as the expansions unlock.

There will be eras where Mages are cool, then everyone wants a Ranger, and then a Berserker, and you may have a bunch of other characters you want to add to your multi-box as your 6-12 boxed character requirements change each expansion.

If you’re offering power leveling services to others as a full-time gig, you’ll probably want to bring up multiple enchanters to do chain stun power leveling however having a druid at max level can also help you power level these enchanters and it will also allow you to sell power leveling services effectively without the enchanters.

Having said that, it is highly recommended you have at least 3 high level characters to power level with for the following reasons but you can try to sub as you please:

  1. Druid – Damage Shield and Heals
  2. Paladin – Resurrection, Tank, and Heals
  3. Bard – Damage shield that stacks with Druids, mana/health regeneration, and AoE Slows/Snares

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How to Multibox on an Everquest TrueBox Server https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/how-to-multibox-on-an-everquest-truebox-server/ https://www.everquestguides.com/everquest-videos/how-to-multibox-on-an-everquest-truebox-server/#comments Thu, 11 Aug 2022 18:20:23 +0000 https://www.everquestguides.com/?p=2226 TrueBox servers limit the number of clients you can run off one PC. Most of them begin at 1 client per 1 pc. Some people are able to get VMWare or other...

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TrueBox servers limit the number of clients you can run off one PC. Most of them begin at 1 client per 1 pc. Some people are able to get VMWare or other virtual machines running to limit the number of computers they have to have to multibox on a TrueBox Server.

For the rest of us, there’s just having as many pcs as you want to run for characters. This can be expensive or rather inexpensive depending on how you go about this, however, the biggest issue you’ll have is managing 6-18 pcs yourself and controlling your characters.

In the video below you get a walkthrough of my setup that I use to box 14-15 characters with room to add. I cover equipment, software, and some configuration.

I made this video because on the Everquest Progression Servers it is actually hard to get a group to catch up if you don’t start on the server when it releases. Other reasons are this will make it easier for you to farm things, get exp, and do other things at your own time and pace.

No more waiting for an hour to find a group and then waiting for an hour to find a replacement for that group when you only have 30 minutes to play. Simply log on, do your thing, and log off.

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