Luclin brings some exciting stuff to power leveling and is really for me where real power leveling starts. With the addition of better gear and Alternate Advancement points there starts to become a bigger gap in strength between Raid Geared characters with max AA and regular ass mobs you’re going to power level on. This simply translates into bigger pulls and more survivability which means we also need to focus on big daddy zones.
With the addition of Luclin on the TLP you will also get access to some amazing zones for power leveling: Paludal Caverns, Twilight Sea, Grimling Forest, and Griegs End. Some of these zones will be a staple in the power leveling diet for a few expansions to come.
As usual I need to make sure you understand that this is a POWERLEVELING guide and is not designed for grouping or assisted leveling although you may do well in these zones with that. This guide is designed for pulling a very large part of the zone all at once.
Power leveling is considered at a minimum an out of Group Damage Shield and Mob Control by at least 3-6 max level characters and extends all the way to the normal 3-5 chain enchanter stun power leveling you see being typically sold or offered in game.
Paludal Caverns Levels 1-15
While Unrest is still a good zone we finally have a replacement in Luclin for it. Paludal Caverns will remain the go to zone for early levels for a few more expansions.
You will take your level 1 character to the southern part of the zone and do levels 1-8. The way you want to do Paludal Caverns is being mobile and moving around as you power level. This can be achieved by just putting everyone on follow as you gather up all the mobs on your high level characters, once you have enough then you stop and kill them off and repeat.
At about level 8 you can move north into the middle areas in purple and you can basically just keep pulling through the tunnels and around the lakes, gathering up a good chunk of mobs and then stopping and killing them, the respawn time is decent so you may not be able to get very far before respawns.
You can actually continue on up north into the yellow area and get level 20 if you want. I find that somewhere between level 15 and 20 I tend to get bored and want to move onto the next area so that’s a call you’ll have to make.
Solusek A Levels 15-25
There are just not a lot of zones at this level you can cleanly pull this many mobs back to a spot and destroy so Sol A remains as the go to for level 15-25 but can be taken up to level 30 for sure.
When you enter at 15 your main focus will be bringing down the North area, if you can’t do it in one pull then you can separate it into 2 or 3 as you see fit. Once you are consistently downing the north you can begin to pull all of the south back to the red X.
Make sure to avoid the yellow X’s they are zone outs.

Grimling Forest Levels 25-43
This zone will seem like the exp is slowing down but with the quantity of mobs available and the fast respawns it’s actually pretty decent once you get the pulls down.
The biggest problem with Grimling Forest is there are soothsayers and other healing type mobs that just won’t die easily off damage shields and there’s usually 1 sometimes 2 per camp or room.
What you’ll want to do here is take the high level you’re pulling with and just kill those casters with it when you run into the camp to pull and forget about the exp for that mob. They’re just a pain so as I run into pull I just target them and kill them with the high levels.
The zone I have listed as going to level 43 but that’s because at 43 you can group with a 65. During this era you can freely leave once you hit 40 because a 40 can group with a 60.
I normally finish off my power leveling by grouping my level 40 with my highest dps level 60 so it’s a 2 man group and then I keep everyone else out of group so that my 2 man group out damages everyone and gets exp for the kill and I just go to town dpsing the mobs with all my characters.
When you arrive at 25 there’s really only a few rotations you can keep down because respawns are so fast you can go north and do those 3 camps but there’s a river you run across so you’ll lose mounts. You can pull the first two camps to the third and kill them all there or you can kill each camp and move, that depends on your power.
The south camps don’t have a river between so you can roam between those 5 doing the same thing. Once you are level 32ish you can move up into the tunnels where you will be able to also pull a room at a time back to a spot you set up or continue moving and killing in each room.
I tend to set up in the southeast area of the tunnels and pull each room back to that spot but whatever you can get to work is fine.
Grieg’s End Levels 40-60
Unless you have a pretty powerful setup or you’re grouping your low level character with a high level one, I would not come here at 40 as the mobs will be too high to really do any AoE magic damage on. I would stick to Grimling or an Alt zone until you’re higher if you’re coming here with a weak power leveling setup.
Grieg’s End layout is so simple, the east and west are the lower areas where you will start power leveling and then the entire center is 55 plus where you’ll end up as your character your power leveling gains levels. If you’re grouping with a max level character you’ll want to try to hit up the 55+ area for more exp.
This zone may be packed in era and is a really good assisted or group leveling zone so if you can’t seem to get a spot or enough mobs you may have to use an alternate.
Alternate Twilight Sea Levels 15-35
This is a pretty solid zone with a big level range but it will also be one of the main leveling spots for regular ass people. However if you can get any of these spots in the zone to yourself in a pick that would be a pretty optimal setup because you can stay in this zone for quite awhile without having to switch.
The starting area is the center island with the elementals. There are plenty of mobs to do a decent size pull so you could stay here till 25.
Then you move south to the island with the shades and do levels 25-35. I think the mob range there is like 29-37, there are less mobs but still a nice peaceful portion to pull, but you can move way north at 30 if you’re not digging it.
Go through the underwater tunnel in the north and there are an assload of mobs up here so you could set up anywhere and run around and gather them. This area would be good for 30-40 but you can also leave at 35 to go to other places.
Alternate Tower of Frozen Shadow Levels 20-35
When Luclin comes out this area may be starting to be more vacant or it may already be occupied by people playing leveling catch up. It’s a good alternate zone from 20-35. The good floors for power leveling are colored and remember you still need to gather one key per group to go up to the next floor, make sure your entire group is by the click up spot or you’ll leave people behind and it will get annoying.
Alternate Castle Mistmoore Levels 20-35
This zone should be starting to clear out and will probably only be people power leveling at this point in the game. The benefit is now you’ll be able to pull most of the castle at once with AA and max level characters with raid gear so it will make your power leveling life easier.
Setup at either of the Red X’s or anywhere you’d like near the keep and just go to town.
Alternate City of Mist Levels 30-45
This zone is usually empty at this point and I left it in for an alternate for these levels as you’ll also be able to pull a lot more mobs at once here. The map is split into 3 pulling areas, you can move to the Red X in each one or just train yourself wherever you’d like.
The mobs have half health, hit twice as hard, and give half the experience; but because they die so fast and there are so many it makes up for it.
Alternate Velketor’s Lab Levels 40-60
This area may clear out a bit more too as Grieg’s End is seriously such a good group leveling zone to 60 so you may finally be able to train yourself at the entrance here. If you end up grouping your level 40+ with a 60 you can also move into the zone more and just lay waste to the castle area up till 60. The character you’re grouping your low level with can work on AA exp at the same time.
Alternate Chardok Levels 40-60
This may turn into a nice quiet spot to level to 60 and not only will you be able to power level on the mini castle near the zone in but you’ll also be able to move down and pull packs of 5-10 or more at a time if you can handle it.
However, if you group your lower level with a 60 that does the most dps you can just have everyone else ungrouped and beat on the mob and get all the exp between the two grouped characters which is still really fast.
For example, if you have 6 monks outside of a group and you group your low level with the highest dps monk while leaving the other 5 monks solo and ungrouped. You can use this setup to beat on the mobs coming in with everyone and as long as your 2 man group of the low level character and the highest dps monk out dps each of the other monks individually you’ll get full exp.
Because I have so many characters I usually make a full 6 man group consisting of characters I’m power leveling or characters that need to work on AA and because I kill so fast it’s like assisted leveling to the max.
Hollowshade Moor is good for levels 18-30 about 25 grimlings in the cave and they respawn fast