Velious releasing on the TLPs doesn’t bring a whole lot of new and exciting stuff as far as power leveling but we do get to add some awesome zones to the list. In addition to this, the gear slightly improves on your high level characters in this expansion so it should make the early on power leveling slightly easier.
The two new zones added to the list will be the Tower of Frozen Shadow and Velketor’s Labyrinth. In this era, these will be heavily camped as they are also very good assisted / group leveling zones. This may make the Kunark zones more appealing as they will be desolate which can be a good thing to avoid attention if you’re running a bunch of characters yourself.
I have removed Howling Stones, it is still a good spot to level but with the addition of another level 40-60 power level zone and the fact it still needs a key, it has been removed from Velious Era Power Leveling.
Remember, power leveling is not group or assisted leveling, it is POWER leveling meaning you will likely have at least 3 or more max level characters helping you pull a very very large portion of the zone at once. There are better zones to level or assisted level in, these are only zones that can support a massive quantity of mobs. If you’re only needing to clear a rotation of 10 or so mobs before respawn then this is not the type of guide you should be looking for although you will still do well in these zones having that weak of a setup.
Unrest Levels 1-15
Remaining unbeatable into Velious, Unrest is where you’ll spend your first 15 levels in the Courtyard for your power leveling fun. It is possible to start pulling stuff from inside the Keep out to the courtyard pull spot and getting to level 20 or so or move right into the Keep if you hate moving.
By now we are used to this zone for power leveling, you can park against the wall anywhere or use my spot where the Red X is and just gather up the entirety of the yellow area and pull it back, kill, and repeat.
Solusek A Levels 15-25
Another classic power leveling zone that could be milked up till about 30 but I leave at 25. I’ve broken the zone into two pulls (north and south) if you’re not strong enough to do each area in one pull then try breaking it into two pulls for each side as you see fit.
I setup where the Red X is, be careful where the Yellow X’s are, that is a zone out and if you’re in a big pull you will zone out and have to redo your pull over. I’ve had the entire North chasing me only to accidentally make a wrong turn into the Yellow X and zone out.
Lower Guk Levels 25-40
Another classic zone, this one can be taken up to 45 if you decide you don’t want to move somewhere else and set up again.
When you first arrive it makes sense to set up in the yellow area either in the Tunnels or by the Frenzy area in the east and as you get above level 30 you can move to purple and by 35 pulling both purple and red areas.
Velketors Labyrinth Levels 40-60
A new primary path AoE leveling spot is in Velks Lab, however because it’s in era with Velious just coming out you will be stuck power leveling in the middle of the night if you can get your own pick as it will probably be heavily camped.
This may make the alternate in Chardok even more appealing as people won’t be leveling to 60 as much in that zone.
You won’t need to go any further than the zone in to pull, I promise there are a lot more mobs than this, someone was power leveling already when I got there so some are dead. This can be tricky to pull but there are ramps that lead up and up and up and you want to try to make it to the top and pull everything down to the bottom. It may take some power to do the entirety of the ramps in one pull as mobs are 45-50 but it’s such a good spot.
The rest of the zone is really good for assisted or group leveling to 60 as well but being that the max level is 60 and there is no Alternate Advancement in the game AoE’ing the higher areas of the zone will be challenging without the mega chi enchanter stun rotations.
Level 20-35 Alternates
In Velious era we get two excellent power leveling spots with the addition of the Tower of Frozen Shadow, however, like Velks Lab, people will most likely be leveling in Tower of Frozen Shadow in regular groups so you’re power leveling will rely on getting to the hot spot in a pick during contested hours or trying to Power Level in the off peak hours.
Alternate Tower of Frozen Shadow Levels 20-35
This is one zone where I feel the need to remind you that this is a Power Leveling Guide, not a leveling or assisted leveling guide. If you come here at level 20 without proper setup you will get your dick kicked in and have a bad time.
Most power levelers tend to avoid the Tower of Frozen Shadow because it requires a key per group to click up to the next level. The keys are not hard to get by any means but it does add another time sink in addition to just blasting your characters to max level.
The popular floors for power leveling are 2, 5, and 6. You can do it on other floors but there are so many traps and fake walls and floors that it might get annoying if you don’t learn the zone.
You can easily do this zone up till 40-45 and you will want to do just that unless you intend to head to Lower Guk after instead of the 40-60 power level zones.
Obviously where level 2 is easy to get to and where I start at level 20. I will point out there is a lot of charm and other random dumbness on this level so it does cause problems doing Damage Shield Power leveling as your low level characters may get charmed while stuff is dying and get no exp which is why I also recommend power leveling more than one character in a group and having the other character do some type of backup damage if you are coming here.

Alternate Castle Mistmoore Levels 20-35
Castle Mistmoore can be done till 40 in the keep if you are not wanting to go back to Lower Guk or City of Mist Alternate after. Nothing has changed here since Ruins of Kunark except your max level characters should have slightly better gear making this easier to power level in the Keep.
The two red X’s mark potential setup locations. Pull as much as you can at once or split it into two pulls.
Alternate City of Mist Levels 30-45
A perfect alternate for AoE Power leveling via Damage Shields, these mobs all have half health and as long as you can take the hard hits they punch out you can wipe a lot of this zone quickly in one big pull. I’ve split it into three pull zones, with the first white zone being able to be split into two separate pulls of North and South or 3 separate pulls if you do just the North, The Middle, and then the South.
Alternate The Hole Levels 35-50
With the removal of Howling Stones, I didn’t list The Hole in the path graphic above but it is still a viable alternate to go from 35-50, in fact The Hole is actually relatively popular for the big daddy power levelers that use chain stuns to power level.
The golems always tend to be a problem here as they have massive hp and hit semi hard but you could farm the entrance from 35-40 and then if you have a level 60 enchanter you could literally group them with the character your power leveling and just charm a golem and smash stuff or you could add them to the group with any level 60s and still get decent exp.

Alternate Chardok Levels 40-60
While this is labeled as an alternative because Velks Lab is better to me, this may very well become the primary 40-60 area on high population servers as people rush to the new zones.
The main power level spot is in front of the mini castle pulling both zone in and zone out hallways as well as all of the castle in a single pull. You can make your way toward the bridge keeper but you’ll probably still be looking at assisted leveling or regular group leveling at that point, remember a level 40 can group with a level 60 so you could just throw your low level characters into the group or group it with your highest dps and just lay waste to everything to do some assisted leveling.